Hair Transplant Aftercare

As well as hair transplant operations, hair transplant aftercare is also a curious subject. Nowadays, hair loss and balding can be eliminated by hair transplantation. In addition to hair care after the operation, body care is also important. We will try to explain to you the answers to these questions. In this article, you will learn about the care process after hair transplantation.

Stages of care process

Hair transplant was done. After that, you are entering the healing process. The most important issue that I should warn you about is that you do not touch the hair transplantation area. You should take care to protect this area. Make sure that the clothes you wear after hair transplantation are zipped. Because while removing the clothes without zipper, you can damage the hair transplantation area.

You can perform your first wash 1-2 days after the hair transplant procedure. But, we do not recommend doing this yourself. It is recommended that a doctor or healthcare professional wash your hair. Washing your hair will be done easily with the special shampoos used by doctors.

You should not dry your hair with a towel after washing. You can gently blow dry your hair with a blow dryer. Towel detail should never be forgotten. Using a towel after washing can damage your hair follicles. I’m sure you wouldn’t want that at all.

The first 15 days after the operation is very important

One of the hair transplant aftercare requirements is not to go to the hairdresser for 15 days. You can only go to the hairdresser to cut the ends of your hair with scissors. Apart from this, you should not apply any treatment to your hair within 15 days. The application of processes such as scraping your hair can also lead to undesirable results.

We stated that doctors should do your first hair wash. You can do your next hair wash yourself. However, the shampoos you will use during this period should be one of the shampoos recommended by the doctors. Every shampoo you use as new can pose a risk to your hair.


You may experience itching sensation in some parts of your hair after hair transplantation. There is only one way to deal with these itches. You should not use any other method. Also, do not rely on hearsay information. Use only the methods recommended by your doctor. You should do these to avoid bad results.

What you should not do in the first 6 months after the operation?

A person who has a hair transplant should be more careful in his/her life for 6 months. The person who has hair transplantation should live this way in the hair transplant aftercare.

During the hair transplant aftercare process, the person should not enter the pool or the sea. Especially substances such as chlorine found in pools can cause negative results. You should stay away from sunscreen and similar products. 

People who use personal care products frequently should take a break during this period. You should use medications given by your doctor, not personal care products. During this period, you should not use materials such as curlers and straighteners, which are frequently used in hair care. Also, materials containing heat such as a blow dryer should not be used.

There are some points you should pay attention to while taking a shower. You should not increase the hot water level too much while taking a shower. You should not contact your hair with high pressure water. These behaviors will affect your hair negatively. You should wash your hair with light movements as possible. 

You should stay away from baths and saunas

Take care not to sweat too much during the hair transplant aftercare process. Especially baths and saunas should be avoided during the maintenance period. You should postpone such activities for a while for your hair. 

Final recommendations

We have another suggestion for you after hair transplant aftercare. You need to change some habits in your previous life after hair transplantation. Hair care should be continued with special products given by the doctor. Hair mesotherapy is the most suitable method for the hair transplant aftercare. This application is used to strengthen the hair follicles. Hair mesotherapy is an application used both before and after hair transplantation. Many doctors recommend this application. You can apply this method to help strengthen your hair. This method is one of the most effective methods you can do for your hair care. 

Hair is a must for beauty

Hair is the secret to looking beautiful. It complements our appearance. Hair reflects our personality as well as our style. It is an element that affects our motivation in social life. For these reasons, we feel bad when we experience balding. We understand the value of our hair when it sheds. However, at the present time we do not need to be very worried about such problems. Hair transplant methods help us to prevent baldness. Thanks to these methods, you get the opportunity to regain your natural hair. In the hair transplant operation, new hair follicles are added to the areas where sparseness is experienced. As a result, you get natural and new hair.

There is another issue as important as hair transplant operation. This issue is hair transplant aftercare. During this time, you need to pay more attention to your hair. If you do not take care of your hair care, you may encounter negative results. If you do not pay enough attention to hair transplant aftercare process, the operation will fail. You should both protect your hair from some chemicals and protect it from impacts. If you pay attention to these things, you can achieve your dream hair. If you want to apply such methods to your hair, contact a professional immediately.

At the present time, there are countless services for hair transplant operations. If you inform the necessary specialist that you decide to have a hair transplant, the treatment will start immediately. After that, you will get your old hair you dreamed of. Having natural and bushy hair will make you feel better. 


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