Hair Transplant Growth Timeline

You have done your hair transplant by a good doctor by doing an intense research. The most curious thing in the order is when the naturally transplanted hair will grow. Many people look forward to their new image and want to get results as soon as possible, but they need some patience. It is also very important to protect the transplanted hair during this period. Otherwise, he may experience frustration. If you say when the hair will grow after hair transplantation, read our article to the end and satisfy your curiosity. In addition, complete the process in the most accurate way with the information we will provide. First, the healing process will be in the form of shock loss of the hair and the growth period of the hair.

Hair Transplantation and Healing

If you are wondering what will happen, let’s summarize the process. First of all, the places of the hair that have been transplanted and taken for transplantation will be healed. With the results varying from person to person, these regions heal completely in an average of 15 days. This process is a bit risky because it is the fusion phase instead of the transplanted hair. If this critical period of fifteen days is not passed properly, the result can be very bad. Your head will not take any blows and the washing process will be done correctly. In addition, swelling and crusting will be seen in 15 days. The swelling in the head will disappear within 6-7 days.

The scab will never remain towards the end of this first phase as you wash it. Pay attention to your diet at this stage, because hair is affected by your diet. You will get better results if you nourish the transplanted hair well. The time of full union of the transplanted hair is 13.-14.15. days. After these days, the critical period is over. Just because the transplanted hair has boiled does not mean you can do anything, you should be more careful for a while.

Shock Spill (Temporary Spill) Occurrence

Another name for shock spill is temporary spill. Since the hair transplanted in this process passes to a different phase, they experience a sudden shedding, but this situation is temporary. Spilled hair will grow back in a healthy way. Most people feel anxious at this stage, but it is perfectly normal to be calm. After the 15th day, a mild shock shedding begins. From the 30th day this intensity gains. On the 60th day, the shock spill phase is completed. From the sixtieth day, the hair begins to grow and become normal. Most of the patients experience this process. It lives an average of 85%, but this is a normal process. It would be wrong to say that those who don’t live are better.

Why does shock spill occur?

Many people wonder why this process occurs. this process stems from the hair’s growth cycle. In other words, a hair strand lives in 3 stages called growth, pause and shedding. Hair transplanted hair strands also experience this phase in reverse and shed and then grow. So kind of this phase continues in reverse. It is definitely not a stage to worry about, almost everyone experiences this situation, and then the hair grows.

Factors affecting shock loss

  • The genetics of the individual’s hair strand
  • Hair follicles own cycle
  • Thin hair skin layer
  • How long hair follicles await from the transplantation process
  • How many degrees the roots are kept at
  • Status and continuation of the process after hair transplantation
  • Whether the living part of the hair follicles is touched during hair transplantation
  • Nutrition and stress after hair transplant
  • Having a frequent graft hair transplant can be listed as factors that increase shock (temporary) loss.

Hair Growth and Natural Form

After the 1-month process is completed, the hair starts to grow after the shock is shedding. The hair strands boiled into their place begin the growth process and the process of completing the growth of all the transplanted hair is completed 100% in 8 months to 1 year. In summary, the elongation process is as follows:

Shock shedding is completed after 1 month, hair strands begin to grow.

  • Shock shedding is completed after 1 month, hair strands begin to grow.
  • From the 3rd month, the length of the hair strands grows, even if it is light, an appearance appears.
  • In the 6th month, although it varies from person to person, the amount between 50% and 70% of the transplanted hair will grow. The change is clearly noticeable by everyone.
  • In the 8th month, 90% of the transplanted hair is completed. After this period, a little more comes out. The outlook has now become clear in the 8th month.
  • It is completed as 100% for 1 year. It starts in the growth process like normal hair. The appearance is clear.

The Emergence of the Full View

The end of this process ends with the closing of 1 year. These times are average times and may vary slightly from person to person. After 365 days, the image has taken its final shape. There is no longer any change in the appearance you see in the mirror. In order for the look to be beautiful, you should definitely pay attention to the above points.

How Many Cm Does The Transplanted Hair Grow?

First of all, it is necessary to know whether it was transplanted from your hair or beard, chest, back, arm, leg area. If your hair is transplanted, your hair will grow in the same proportion as the natural structure grows. If the donor area is used from the beard, chest, back, arm and leg parts, the hairs here do not grow like hair and remain shorter.

Asked Questions and Answers About This Topic

  • Question 1: Is it good or bad to have shock shedding after hair transplantation?
    Answer 1: It is not right to evaluate it as good or bad. If there is no shock loss, the process works faster and you get results quickly.
  • Question 2: When does the transplanted hair get thicker?
    Answer 2: It comes out a little thinner at first, after the 4th month thickening occurs.
  • Question 3: How many days does the transplanted hair last?
    Answer 3: The holding phase of the transplanted hair is 13 days.

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