10 days after hair transplantation is as important as the hair transplantation process. Hair transplantation operation continues to gain enthusiasts day by day and with this curiosity and interest, many techniques have emerged. Methods of hair transplants, most of which build on the biggest progress in hair transplant technology. Hair transplantation is a long and tiring process that requires more attention before and after.
A hair transplant surgery is the best way to gain the assertiveness you’ve lost because of hair loss. This operation gives you long-lasting happiness with your natural-looking hair. Do you know what to pay attention to and what awaits you after hair transplantation? In order to have more detailed information, we will talk about 10 days after hair transplantation in this article.
How is the period?
After the hair transplantation, the transplanted areas become scabs. The healing period of this crusted skin heals within 7-10 days. It completely returns to normal after 30 days. It is necessary to wait for a new transaction. Hairs taken from certain parts of the body adapt over time. Doctors give ointment to heal hair follicles and prevent inflammation. Doctors prescribe antibiotics along with ointment if needed. It is an important process 10 days after hair transplantation, you should be as careful as possible.
Healing Process After Hair Transplantation
The recovery period after hair transplantation is 12 months in total, considering all growth stages. However, you may need to wait up to a year for your thin, curly, and weak hair to return to normal. In this article, you can examine what day, week or month after transplantation and how the healing process has developed. The hair transplant healing process may not take place at the same time for every patient. For example, in some patients, hair starts to grow in the second month, while in others, hair growth may occur in the 3rd month.
The 2 most important things to pay attention to;
- nutrition
- maintenance
What should you eat?
You should follow the instructions and recommendations given by your doctor after hair transplantation. After transplantation, you should consume foods that help increase the cell renewal rate. You should consume things that will support the shortening of the recovery time after the operation.
The foods you need to consume 10 days after the hair transplant and after;
Complex Vitamins
B-Complex vitamins such as B7 and B12 have a very important role in hair structure, quality and healthy growth. For this reason, doctors usually recommend their patients to use B-Complex vitamin supplements after hair transplantation.
Hair thinning and hair loss occurs as a serious problem in cases of zinc deficiency. For this reason, it is very important to receive zinc support after hair transplantation. Zinc plays a very important role in tissue repair, collagen production, cell proliferation and growth, and ensuring hormonal balance.
C Vitamin
Acting as an antioxidant, vitamin C is also helpful in combating oxidative stress responsible for hair loss.
E Vitamin
Vitamin E has an important role in 10 days after hair transplantation. It is also helpful in combating oxidative stress responsible for hair loss.
Hair Transplant Recovery Process 1st Day
Bleeding can occur in the donor area and the transplantation area. On the first day of hair transplantation, you do not have to stay in the hair center. Since the effect of local anesthesia continues, you will not feel much pain on the first day. Do not make any contact with the transplanted area. You need to spray the transplanted area with this special solution starting from the day of the surgery.
Second day
The day after the hair transplant, you should go to the clinic to remove the bandage and dressing on your neck. Now the effect of local anesthesia is over, so you may feel a small pain throughout the day. The first wash is done on the 2day. Alcohol and cigarettes should not be used during this period.
Third day
If the first wash took place the previous day, you will feel better and comfortable today. The pain sensation caused by your wounds will be greatly reduced. You should never sleep in the planting area and only lie on your back. It will be good for you to choose a hat when you need to go out. Stay away from the sun as much as possible. In order to prevent infection, you should use the antibiotics given by your doctor regularly for the first five days after the operation.
Seventh day
Some medicines injected under the skin with local anesthesia may cause some swelling of the forehead and eye area. This swelling will pass on the 7th day. No visible change is observed in the hair transplanted in the first week. You will only be able to see your head clear of blood. Hair transplant recovery is a process that takes a long time and requires patience.
Tenth day
On this day, you can see the healing process in a clear way. You can see shock shedding on these days. Shock shedding is a sudden shedding of a hair and this is normal. As the hair grows in the donor area, that clear image disappears. You can wash your hair regularly using baby shampoo or a special shampoo.
Things to pay attention to during the process;
10 days after hair transplantation
Heavy and strenuous sports should be avoided for at least 1 month after hair transplantation. It causes microchannels to bleed and can damage the transplanted hair follicles.
Don’t rinse your head with pressured hot water or use warm water it can be harmful.
When the part in the donor area heals, it will scab and do not touch in this process.
Protect your head from possible blows. Otherwise, it may damage the hair follicles.
Do not stay in very hot or very cold environments.
Be careful not to use a towel to dry your hair.
While washing your hair, do not scratch it, you should wash it gently by massaging.
You should not use aspirin and blood thinners.
Also do not be in dirty and dusty environments for at least 3 days after transplantation.