so there are a few things to do beforehand.
One week before the hair transplant surgery procedure, stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, B or E vitamins, blood thinners and herbal remedies as they may increase bleeding during application. You can continue taking it 2 days after the hair transplant surgery.
No smoking
Smoking constricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow to the scalp due to its nicotine content. The carbon monoxide in the smoke decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. All these factors cause the post-operative recovery process to slow down. That’s why you should stop smoking at least one week before your hair transplant surgery.
Your general health should be good
If you have any medication that you need to use regularly, tell your doctor. In addition, if you have health problems that may affect a surgery such as allergies, bleeding disorder, sleep disorder, asthma, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, diabetes, psoriasis, definitely consult your doctor before surgery. Any chronic illness can also affect your surgery. One day before hair transplantation surgery, you should consult your doctor before taking any prescription or non prescription medication.
Hair does not need to be shaved
You do not have to shave your hair before coming to hair transplant surgery. In the FUE technique, patients are shaved on the morning of the operation. It is recommended that the donor area be shaved at least two weeks ago so that the scars can be hidden much more easily. In techniques such as DHI, long hair FUE, the hair does not need to be shaved.
Things to consider in the morning of hair transplantation
Shower the morning of the operation and wash your hair thoroughly using your regular shampoo. If your hair has wigs and similar products, you should remove it. Apart from that, you should not apply spray, gel or any other styling product. After washing your hair with shampoo, you should come to the hair transplant surgery center without using or wearing anything.
When you come to the hair transplantation center, we recommend that you wear loose and comfortable trousers and a shirt that opens with a front button or zipper. In addition, earrings, necklaces, rings, etc. It is recommended that you also remove your jewelry. You can have breakfast and drink water in the morning of the procedure. Snacks and lunch can be eaten during the operation. You should not drink coffee on the day of surgery.
Is anesthesia applied?
Hair transplantation is a procedure performed by giving local anesthesia. But a mild sedative is also given to keep you comfortable. This will make you feel a little drowsy or put to sleep. For this reason, you cannot go home alone after a hair transplant surgery. Therefore, it is important that you do not come to the surgery with your own car and have someone with you.
Things to Consider After Hair Transplantation
Ask your doctor what to consider after hair transplantation surgery. These problems are observed after hair transplantation surgery. If followed, the expected result from hair transplantation is obtained.
Here, we would like to state a few sine qua non rules about what to be considered after hair transplantation surgery . In addition, your doctor will inform you about the developments. It is important to overcome the process after hair transplant surgery, which requires special applications, without any problems. You must use the prescribed medication regularly. Apply the recommended applications to get your new hair as soon as possible.
After Hair Transplantation
- Stay away from jobs that will cause you to take a shower. Hair follicles can be damaged by perspiration. Therefore, the hair will not be able to grow healthily.
- You should stay away from stressful and tense environments. Because, one of the most important factors in the occurrence of hair loss is stress. You may have lost your hair especially due to stress. At this time, do not be in stressful environments after hair transplantation surgery.
- Avoid sexual intercourse for a few nights after a hair transplant surgery.
- You will need antibiotics after the hair transplant. You should definitely not drink alcohol. Alcohol gets into your circulatory system directly through the bloodstream. This will be detrimental to your newly transplanted hair.
- It is normal to feel pain and fatigue after having a hair transplant surgery. Tension may also be experienced due to the local anesthesia given. Use the medication recommended by your doctor. In a few days, these complaints will disappear completely.
What to Do in the First 3 Days After Hair Transplantation
- Do not wash your hair on the first day. On the second day, have your neck dressed in the hospital. However, we recommend washing your hair after the 3rd day. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get the desired result from hair transplantation.
- For the first three days, you should avoid the sun as much as possible. If you must go out, wear a hat that protects your head from the sun. However, be careful not to squeeze your head.
- The area where the hair is transplanted should not come into contact with any place. It is also necessary to be careful not to get hit.
Even if hair transplantation is performed with aesthetic concerns, it is a medical practice. Therefore, do a detailed research before you have a hair transplant surgery. You need to find a specialist application center. Otherwise, it will not be possible to meet your expectations. In fact, you may lose money or even experience health problems. Listen carefully to your doctor about what needs attention.
You should use the medicines he gives regularly and follow his recommendations. Avoid finding solutions on your own in the problems you experience after the operation. It is best to contact your doctor and do the applications he will tell. Work with professionals on hair transplantation. As a result, even if the amount you paid is small when we are not satisfied, it comes with significant income. For example, if your hair transplant operation fails, you will have paid the amount paid in vain. However, in a successful transaction, your money will not be wasted.