Hairline Lowering 101: Facts about Hair Transplants

The hairline is the most critical component that affects naturalness in hair transplantation. It is the line between the forehead and scalp. The hairline gradually disappears and lowers due to hair loss. However, it is possible to redesign the hairline by using hair transplant procedures. Since the anatomy of every person is different, a standard measurement technique is not possible when creating a new hairline. At the same time, the hairline is determined by taking into account the golden ratio.

When creating the new hairline, the harmony between the components of the face is important to obtain an aesthetic harmony. When determining this ratio, the face is divided into three equal parts: 

  • Eyebrow and nose distance
  • Nose and chin distance
  • Eyebrow and hairline distance

While the hair transplant doctor provides this equalization, he considers several points to create perfect harmony.

Factors Determining Hairline

While planning a hair transplant, everything is important: from the age of the person to the size of the hairless area. The planning also includes the front hairline. Since people see each other from the front, forming a front hairline is also essential in hair transplant planning. There are certain factors for this.

  1. Age

While determining the forehead line, specific criteria are identified between a young person and a person who is older.

  1. Head and face structure

The most crucial factor in determining the hairline is the head and face structure of the person. Since each person has a different facial structure on his own, there is no single standard, although specific criteria come into play in determining the front hairline. This is the golden ratio, which is a beautiful balance used in aesthetics.

  1. Hair structure

There is also a relationship between the front hairline and the structure of the hair. Having thin or thick hair strands is effective in creating the hairline.

  1. Requests of the person and experience of the doctor

While determining the hairline, the patient and the doctor act in a coordinated manner. The patient should explain what kind of hairline he wants to have. Sometimes, the patient may wish to have a front hairline different from the specified line. In such cases, the doctor’s recommendation is essential as the front hairline is an aspect that changes its entire appearance.

After considering these aspects and determining the appropriate hairline, it is time to examine the graft numbers and width of the hairless area. Then, a comfortable and smooth operation can be possible. You can get impressive results as a result of proper planning.


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