Turning baldness is a growing concern among many people. Although hair loss does not seem the same to everyone, it can be frustrating and annoying. With incredible advances in hair loss technology, patients now have options for treating thinning hair. Hair transplant surgery gives people the opportunity to restore their natural hair for a youthful, changing life.
Our clinics facial plastic surgeons are proud to offer follicular extraction (FUE) and follicular transplantation (FUT) in the Aesthetic Scalp. Compare the following procedures and schedule a consultation to determine which one is right for you.
How Does Hair Transplant Surgery Work?
To find out if you are a candidate for either treatment, you should make an appointment with one of our doctors. The details of the hair transplant procedure depend on several factors, such as your age and the severity of the hair loss. Once we evaluate the cause and extent of hair loss, we can develop a customized treatment plan. The two most widely used hair restoration methods are FUE and FUT, both of which have unique features to suit your particular needs.
By the age of 50, about 50% of men and about 25% of women experience noticeable hair loss. There are many so-called solutions for hair loss and baldness, ranging from haircuts and toupees to oral and topical medications to surgery. If you want your hair to grow or “rejuvenate”, then you may want to consider stem cell therapy to rejuvenate your hair.
The discovery of stem cells and the investigation of their clinical applications is one of the most important medical discoveries in recent history. Stem cells are naturally involved in the production of every type of cell in the body and have the ability to become any of a number of specialized cells.
Let’s talk about how stem cell therapy works in hair rejuvenation and where you can go to find out if it can be a good solution for you.
What is the strength of stem cells?
Stem cells are found throughout your body. They are involved and responsible for the growth of every cell in the body, from the first growth of muscles and bones and organs to the investment in your stomach that is constantly renewed throughout life.
There are different types of stem cells:
Pluripotent stem cells are capable of evolving into many different cell types in the body. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells, but only exist in the first days after conception (not at birth). This cell type was discovered by scientists studying animal embryos.
Pluripotent stem cells are somewhat specialized in the area or system of the body in which they are located. Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are pluripotent stem cells found throughout a person’s body, starting about six days after conception. This is the type used in hair loss.
Umbilical cord stem cells are derived from the blood of the umbilical cord of a newborn baby, with the consent of the mother. These are hematopoietic stem cells that can help promote the growth of new blood cells.
All stem cell types have different properties and potential applications, most of which have not yet been discovered and investigated. We have simply lost the surface of this revolutionary field of medical research.
Stem cell therapy for hair loss
Scientists are now working independently on separate research lines to discover a stem cell-derived treatment for hair treatment. Stem cell clinics offer treatments that use a patient’s stem cells to treat certain conditions, from erectile dysfunction to joint pain to hair loss.
While the procedure has not yet been regulated by the FDA, many patients have reported a dramatic improvement in the growth of their own healthy hair after stem cell treatment. One of the benefits of this treatment is that your body will not have a negative reaction to the stem cells, because they come from your own tissue.
Stem cell therapy
Automatic fat transplant on the scalp
“Stem Cell” treatment refers to mesenchymal stem cells that are collected by aspiration of fat from the abdomen, which has a high concentration of stem cells and the mixing of fat cells and its breakdown into small particles. This mixture is either injected alone or mixed with PRP for re-insertion into the scalp. Mesenchymal cells are believed to release growth factors that can stimulate hair growth. The procedure is performed in the office under local anesthesia. It takes 30 minutes. After the procedure, avoid wetting the area for 2 days. The donor area may be tender for a few days. The procedure can be repeated every 6 months.
Anesthesia: Excessive procedure lasting more than 12 hours can cause a chance of shock loss.
Repeated use: Lidocaine, marcaine and perhaps most importantly epinephrine can affect hair nutrition
Traumatic Harvest: In strip surgery, traumatic harvesting can cause shock loss.
Injury to the recipient area: During the incision procedure, the hairs are crushed or cut and damaged during the procedure.
Comparing FUE and FUT
It can be difficult to choose between the FUE and FUT hair transplant system, which is equally effective and produces excellent results. Regardless of the solution we choose, you can be sure that you are in very good hands. Consultation is the perfect time to discuss the goals of hair loss and understand what works best for you. Some of the most exciting differences include:
Extraction: FUE removes follicles directly from scalp, while FUT cuts a strip of skin
Scar: FUE does not cause visible scars, while FUT leaves patients with a linear scar
Recovery: FUE requires some downtime, FUT recovery may be more involved
Schedule hair transplant surgery
Many people believe that their hair is one of their most important natural features. It can play an important role in your personal confidence and self-esteem. Those struggling with thinning or bald hair can turn to hair transplant surgery with Aesthetic Scalp professionals. Our doctors offer FUE and FUT hair transplant options for hair transplantation so you can look and feel good again. Contact our clinic to find out about our high quality care.