When shopping for a hair transplant clinic, you will find that different centers provide very different estimates of the number of hair transplants you will need. This can make you very uncertain about the wisdom of even a hair transplant. It helps to have a fair idea of what to expect.
Unfortunately, some doctors even transplant the donor’s hair into areas where the patient still has hair. Maybe this’s easier than putting it where it belongs – in bald spots.
For whatever reason, some hair transplant patients do not receive the number of transplants in their bald areas as they are charged. This is proven by some doctors who have seen the results. The density of hair on the heads of these patients is not proportional to the number of implants they are supposed to have received.
A patient’s best hope is to get what he pays for a hair transplant is to learn to calculate the number of transplants needed to cover his bald area. When trying to find the best hair transplant surgeon, it should be someone who gives you an estimate within the range you have calculated. If the number is not in this park, it may be wiser to look for another surgeon. If, however, the surgeon estimates a similar number, make sure all the implants go to parts of your scalp.
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is one of the best options available for treating hair loss. Our clinic has helped countless patients from here and achieves a complete and natural hair look thanks to FUE.
What does FUE failure mean?
Simply put, FUE failure means that hair restoration surgery did not turn out as planned. This can mean poor aesthetic results (eg poor hair density or distribution, bald or fine spots on the transplanted hairline), complications affecting the health of the scalp in the donor area, problems with translated hair follicles or combination of these issues.
In other words, when wrong or wrong treatment is done in a different clinic, you can get the right treatment in our clinic. This means that a person can have a hair transplant more than once. Of course, enough time must pass between two treatments. The number of grafts is also effective in determining this time. So what could be the reasons for making FUE wrong?
Common causes of a failed FUE
Some common causes of failed FUE include:
Postoperative infection – Infection of the donor area or transplanted hair follicles can cause follicular insufficiency and surgery to have poor overall results.
Poor patient care – If patients are too early, smoke during recovery or do not follow shampoo instructions, all of this may jeopardize the effect of FUE.
Inexperienced Surgeons – Sometimes hair transplant surgeons who perform the FUE procedure are simply not fit to do the job well. This is why patients should carefully research hair restoration surgeons.
How to prevent FUE failure
In order to avoid FUE failure among patients, our experienced team always observes the following:
Carefully monitor patients for application – Some patients are not good candidates for FUE. Instead, they may be more suitable for follicular transplantation (FUT) or for non-surgical treatment of hair loss.
Extensive Surgical Planning – In addition to checking patients’ candidacy, we also make sure to plan procedures thoroughly. This helps us to ensure that the process flows smoothly.
Detailed pre- and postoperative instructions – Our team provides patients with extensive instructions to prepare for surgery and appropriate postoperative care. This helps ensure a successful procedure with a low risk of complications.
Proper monitoring of patient care – Following the FUE procedure, regular visits to the doctor’s office are scheduled to monitor the patient’s healing process. We also encourage patients to discuss their concerns with us as they arise, so that any pressing issues can be addressed as soon as possible.
Can a failed FUE surgery be corrected?
In some cases, yes.
Our team managed to perform corrective hair transplants to correct the bad results of other hair surgeons. We can add more volume and density to fine or irregular hair transplants so that you do not feel self-conscious about your appearance.
How to calculate how many grafts you need
There are several factors to consider when calculating exactly how many hair transplants you will need.
The thickness of the hair shaft makes the difference.
Whether the hair is curly or straight determines whether the hair will be flat or straight, creating more fullness.
Hair color as opposed to skin color. For a light-skinned man with light hair or a dark man with dark hair, he generally needs less hair to cover a bald spot than a light-skinned man with dark hair.
You should estimate that the average number of hair transplants required to cover a bald area is 25% of the original hair that was there. You can move this shape up or down depending on your other factors, such as thickness, curvature or color. You can then use this number to calculate the required number of hair transplants.
Solutions according to races in hair transplantation process
Based on the fact that the average Caucasian man has a density of 2 hairs per millimeter, it can be assumed that the average hair density is 1250 hairs per square inch. If we calculate an average of 2 hairs per follicular unit, we will need 625 follicular units per square inch.
To receive 25% of this, you will need 156 follicular units per square inch. All that remains is to measure your bald area and multiply the number of square inches by 156. When you know how many transplants to expect during the hair transplant process, you will be an understanding consumer. It does not hurt to go through the process with your own idea of how the treatment should go.
Hair density varies by ethnicity. Men from Asia, the Middle East, China, Spain or India will have different densities compared to Caucasians. Your doctor should pay attention to these during hair transplantation.