How Thyroid Conditions Cause Hair Loss

Hair is very important to everyone. Protecting the health of our hair and having voluminous and shiny hair is the dream of many of us. Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems today is hair loss. This problem may occur due to hormonal and nutritional factors, exposure to chemicals, genetic susceptibility, systemic diseases, hair development disorders, some medications, psychological stress or scalp diseases. If you are experiencing hair loss for more than two months, this may be a sign of a serious disease. In this case, you need to get help from a specialist. In this article, we will explain one of the most common causes of hair loss, thyroid diseases.

Why Do We Lose Hair?

Our hair has a life cycle. Each strand can live four to six years, then rests and then falls out. Losing fifty to a hundred hair in a day is natural. You should take hair loss seriously if you are losing more than a hundred hair in a day, if you are losing so much hair while bathing, or if you see too many hair in your hand when you pull it while it is dry. However, you do not need to panic. There are solutions for hair loss. The important thing is to determine the cause for hair loss and to make appropriate treatment.

First of all, we must identify the possible reasons for hair loss due to thyroid conditions. There are two common problems that are related to hair loss.

  1. Hypothyroid

In the case of hypothyroidism, you may have hair loss all over your body, including your eyebrows. This condition may occur when your thyroid gland works less than it should. There might be so many reasons causing hypothyroidism such as Hashimoto’s disease, iodine deficiency, pregnancy, or radioactive iodine treatment. When you cannot produce enough thyroid hormone, it affects your hair follicles and disrupts the hair growth cycle. Thus, your hair falls out. The treatment for this problem is thyroid hormone replacement. If you delay the treatment, you may lose your hair permanently. 


Hyperthyroid may occur when the thyroid gland constantly produces thyroid hormone. There are many reasons for hyperthyroidism. The most common causes of hyperthyroidism are toxic thyroid nodules and Graves’ disease. As with hypothyroidism, the hyperthyroid disease also disrupts the hair follicles and causes them to fall out. If you get the right treatment for hyperthyroidism with the right diagnosis and the right medicines, the problem of hair loss may also improve.

What Should You Do about It?

First of all, if you are suffering from hair loss, you should definitely consult a doctor. You can stop hair loss if you have a thyroid disease by following the advice of your doctor. Even if you lose your hair, there are permanent solutions such as hair transplantation. Do not forget that the most important thing is to find the disease that causes hair loss. It is always possible to can get your lost hair back with appropriate treatment with the help of a professional. If you have further questions about hair loss, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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