Will the Shed Hair Grow Back?
Yes, shed hair can come out again. If your hair follicles are still alive! In fact, each hair strand has a certain lifespan. Hair loss is normal. However, if you see too dense hair on your pillow, there is a problem.
Hair loss can be caused by stress, environmental factors, hormonal reasons. Apart from these reasons, excessive hair loss can also occur during seasonal changes. To prevent hair loss, you should use hair care products against hair loss. Using shampoos containing Aminexil instead of conventional shampoos will reduce hair loss.
Will the Hair Shed from Stress Grow Back?
Hair loss due to stress is a situation we encounter frequently. To understand your hair loss, compare your hair loss with the previous month. If you lose your hair due to the stress you are going through, don’t worry. Stress-induced hair loss is normal, and when this is over, your hair may grow back. Before a stressful period, our hormones are affected and hair begins to fall out. To prevent this, you should use hair care products that will strengthen the hair follicles. Of course, we’re not even saying that you should take the stressors out of your life.
In addition to hair loss during stressful periods, you can see problems such as not growing your hair, breaking and weakening your hair while growing. For all of these problems, we recommend that you use an anti-hair loss serum that will strengthen your hair from the roots.
What Should Be Done For The Hair To Come Back?
To stop hair loss, you should update your hair care products first. Start using the cream and mask by researching ingredients that are good for hair loss. Start using ingredients that are good for hair loss. In this process, stay away from procedures such as blow dryer, straightening, curlers that will weaken the hair strands and cause them to dry. Avoid procedures that will weaken the hair strands and cause them to dry. Avoid procedures such as blow dry, straightening, curling.
In What Situations Will The Hair Fall Out Again?
Will hair loss reappear depending on our age and genetic makeup?
Normal Hair Loss
Loss of 80-100 strands of hair every day is considered normal by experts. It is a process that we often do not even realize. If it is not a different biological, environmental factor, new hairs are replaced.
Seasonal spills
During seasonal transition periods, the secretion of hormones that regulate the hair cycle increases. It shows that this causes hair loss. This is a temporary process that you don’t need to worry about. Keeping it away from hair care and environmental effects ensures that spills are minimized.
Genetic factors
Generally, in men, in genetic-induced spills, hair often does not grow back. Those at risk of spillage need regular maintenance before spillage.It strengthens the hair follicles and helps them slow down the process. Treatment methods to be used in hair loss are only effective on undead hair follicles.
Advancing age
Of course, our metabolism slows down as we age. However, the risk of not regrowing our lost hair will also increase. Therefore, we should not neglect the measures that can be taken.
When Should We Be Afraid OF Hair Loss?
Our hair is an important visual richness that takes a large part in our overall image. Our hair is an important visual richness that takes a large part in our overall image. Some are looking for miracles so that their hair grows, and some may cause their existing beautiful hair to deteriorate with wrong applications. As a result; our hair can come to the centre of our lives one day.
There may be many factors that trigger hair and scalp problems. As Hair Science Experts, we make detailed hair analysis. They describe the factors affecting the hair and scalp. People do not understand the cause of the problem to prevent hair loss. It is in search of “a definite and miracle product” like “let’s swallow a pill”.However, shampoos with 80-90% water are unfortunately not a solution to prevent hair loss!
It is normal for our hair to shed some every day. Our hair is renewed by replacing it with a new one. Scientifically accepted as normal is 80-100 hair per day. Need to be detected: is this increased shedding temporary? In other words, will hair loss decrease and hair will return to its former density? Or will there be hair loss after shedding? In other words, our hair does not fall out due to a product we use today. All hair is renewed by shedding after a certain period of growth. The hair that is lost today starts to grow only after 3-4 months. It may take 6 months or more for the hair density to recovering.
We need to remember:
- Our hair falls out every day and is replaced by new hair.
- When the amount of hair loss increases, we should evaluate the changes 3-4 months ago.
- We should get expert help in hair loss that lasts longer than 6 months.
- We must remember that detailed health screening and medical assistance may be required.
- Hair is nourished from inside and supported from outside.
- It is good body health for hair health.
- We should know that care support also makes a difference.
Hair is a living organ that can be affected by many factors in daily life in a short time. When the person is not feeling well, he should question himself first. If there is an important underlying cause, it may be delayed in diagnosis and treatment. Because misdirections from the environment can cause patients to lose time. You should put antioxidant foods (such as vegetables and fruits) on your table. You should stay away from fast food style eating habits. These are harmful. You should consume foods containing zinc, B12, copper and folic acid. You should not make a habit of smoking and alcohol use. Regular sleep is very important to prevent hair loss. You should pay attention to your sleep times. Stay away from unconscious diets.