How to Solve Beard Loss Problem?

There is an autoimmune condition known as alopecia areata. Immune system cells of people with this condition mistakenly attack the hair follicle cells of the patient. Alopecia barbae is a subtype of alopecia areata; this type of alopecia affects the beard. This abnormality usually causes beard to lose hair in small patches suddenly.

Usually, the hair loss occurs along the jawline, but in some cases, the entirety of beard may become jeopardised. This type of hair loss sometimes accompanies hair loss around other parts of the body, but sometimes it can happen on its own too.

Scientific communities are not exactly sure what causes this condition. Though there is a clear link between alopecia areata and stress, both physical and psychological stress. And also there seems to be a genetic link too. We commonly see multiple people from the same bloodline suffering from it. Other autoimmune diseases also increase the likelihood of experiencing beard loss, such as:

  • Lupus 
  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • Psoriasis

There is no complete cure for beard loss, though it does not mean that you cannot do anything about it.

Beard Loss Solution

With proper treatment, many people grow back and retain their beard (there’s always a risk of recurrence though). Usually getting treatment solves the issue for several years. Many people grow back their beard completely despite the condition, but sometimes the colour or texture of hair may change a bit. The treatment for beard loss requires a highly individualised approach. What works for someone else might not do anything for you at all. When treating beard loss, the main goal is to block your immune cells from attacking your hair follicles.

Medications For Beard Loss

The first option many physicians go to is corticosteroids. They work by suppressing the immune system. They usually come in two forms, either as topical ointments or injections. 

The second option for treating beard loss is the drug Minoxidil. Normally this one is a male/female pattern baldness drug, but it works against alopecia areata in some people too. You are supposed to use it every day twice, and it usually takes effect after three months.

Another interesting option is DPCP (or diphencyprone). This is a topical drug as well, and when you apply it on your skin, it causes an allergic reaction to trick your immune system. This drug causes swelling itching and redness on applied areas as white blood cells rush to application zones. White blood cells reduce inflammation, and this helps keep hair follicles active.

The last one in our list is a psoriasis medication, and it goes by the name Anthralin. The texture of Anthralin resembles tar, and you use it once a day on the sites where hair loss occurs. Similar to DPCP, this one also irritates your skin a bit to help hair follicle retention.


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