How to Stop Hair Fall and Help to Regrow It?

Just like ageing, hair loss does not happen all of a sudden. It happens gradually and slowly over long years for most people. The first thing to do to stop hair falling is noticing it as early as possible. Mainly because, earlier a person intervenes their hair loss, the longer they get to keep their hair. Also, when you begin treatments and lifetime adjustments early on, you keep more of your hair too.

The first sign to look for is your hairline. If you notice your hairline receding into an M shape, it may be time to intervene. Comparing yourself with your older photos may give you an idea about your hairline.

How to Stop Hair Loss

One of the most effective ways to stop thinning on your head is blocking a hormone called DHT. DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a naturally occurring hormone. As the name suggests, it is a variant of the male sex hormone testosterone. You can think of it as testosterone on steroids. It has much stronger effects than the testosterone we are used to hearing.


There is a substance that goes by the name finasteride on the market that blocks DHT hormone. The idea of interfering with your hormones might not sound good at first glance. Yet, good news, this medication has passed many clinical trials, including the United States of America’s FDA trials. 

While the risk of side effects is lower than 1%, finasteride still poses certain risks. These risks include symptoms like brain fog, infertility, loss of interest in sex, skin rash and headaches. So it is not a medication that you should take on your own without consulting a doctor. 

Finasteride can effectively stop hair loss and even regrow some lost hair in some people. Since hair growth takes time, it may take several months of use to see results. And some people report that when combined with minoxidil, next thing on our list, finasteride works miracles on regular use.


This one is also an FDA approved hair loss treatment option. Minoxidil is a topical medication, and it comes in forms of spray, liquid solution and foam. The difference of minoxidil from finasteride is that it does nothing about DHT or other hormones. Minoxidil works by creating a more friendly environment for follicles on your head to survive on.

But since it does not change anything about your hormonal balance, it does not offer a long term solution to hair loss.

Studies demonstrate that regularly using minoxidil for a year leads to around 15% increase in hair count. So adding minoxidil to your treatment routine may have a significant impact.


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