In this article, we will talk about the menopause period that every woman experiences. In this period, many women experience hair loss problems. We will start our essay by talking about what this period means.
Menopause is publicly considered as the old age of women. However, this look is not considered correct. Instead, it is considered a maturity period. Menopause is the end of the menstrual cycle that women experience physiologically every month.
The end of the menstrual cycle means the depletion of the eggs in the body.
In other words, with the start of this period, egg maturation in the uterus has ended. The result of not forming a mature egg is the lack of production of estrogen and progesterone hormones called female hormones.
In addition to these hormones, which are ten levels in women, there are also testosterone hormones, which is the male hormone at two levels. The proportional increase of this male hormone is the main reason for male pattern hair loss.
The age of menopause varies between 42-50 in the Turkish population. For women, the age at which women in their families enter menopause can also provide clues.
Since this period is a period of hormonal changes, various symptoms and complaints can be observed. However, not all symptoms are of the same intensity in every woman. While some women experience serious complaints, in some women, the complaints are negligible.
Complaints such as hot flashes at night, excessive sweating, palpitations, insomnia, irritability, forgetfulness, depression, difficulty concentrating, joint pain, and vaginal dryness can be seen in this period. In addition, the lack of secretion of the female hormone during this period may cause the quality of the hair to decrease and fall out.
The basis of treatment lies in preventing transformation. Spillage cannot be prevented unless this transformation is prevented. This is the reason for hair loss in men with a rate of 98%; in women, this rate is around 50%.
Hair Loss During Menopause
Estrogen hormone, called female hormone, has functions such as increasing hair quality, providing shine, and preventing hair loss. Menopause is a period in which the female hormone decreases. A decrease in estrogen causes hair loss and decreased quality.
Of course, estrogen is not the only cause, but it would not be wrong to say that it is the underlying cause. With the advancement of age, the rate of renewal of the body and the cells also decreases.
This situation is also associated with hair renewal. During this period, nutritional habits may change, and the amount of L-cystine and methionine decreases, and keratin synthesis slows down. In this process, an increase is observed in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.
In this process, the narrowing of the veins and the decrease in the amount of blood passing through the vein may prevent the hair from being fed in sufficient amounts and cause hair loss. We mentioned that the rate at which cells and tissues renew themselves slows down.
Just like cells, there is a self-renewal process and life in your hair. This period is shortened in menopause.
Hair Loss Treatment in Menopause
There are very important physiological changes in women entering menopause, which is a period in the normal life physiology of women, and the most important of these is the decrease or complete loss of the female hormone estrogen as a result of the ovaries losing their function.
Disruption in this hormone balance can cause many discomforts, one of which is hair loss and loss of hair quality.
The most important reason for these negativities in hair is the decrease in estrogen, but in addition to this, the reduction of other hair nourishers such as biotin (vitamin B7), pantothenate (vitamin B5), methionine, keratin, L-cystine, which are related to lifestyle changes, are also effective in hair problems. There are scientific studies that especially methionine delays hair graying.
In hair loss seen in menopause, estrogen hormone can be given in addition to other nutrients, but it is not preferred because it increases breast cancer. Instead, an isoflavone from soy acts like estrogen but does not cause estrogen-related side effects.
Isoflavone is a herbal estrogen that is routinely used in the treatment of hot flashes, sweating, bone resorption, and similar menopausal problems.
For this purpose, soy isoflavone, which is a phytoestrogen, is also added to the content of the menopausal hair problem products. Since hair loss is observed in women who take isoflavone, and there is an increase in quality.
Propecia Tablet
With menopause, estrogen, zinc, magnesium, and iron deficiency are observed. The lack of these causes hair loss and loss of quality. Menopecia treats spillage problems experienced in this process thanks to its tablet content.
It provides a solution to menopause-induced hair loss, especially thanks to isoflavone obtained from soy. In addition, keratin content increases the health and quality of hair.
In addition to keratin, methionine material improves hair quality as well as prevents hair graying.
Side effects
The product has no proven side effects. However, since the product is designed for women who have lost their fertility, it is not recommended for women who have not yet lost their fertility.
It should be taken twice a day on a full stomach. It should be used regularly for six months to obtain maximum efficiency.
Other Effects of Menopecia Tablets
During this period, complaints such as sweating, irritability, decreased sexual desire, which can disturb the hair-related problems more, are also observed.
Almost the only reason for these complaints is the decrease in estrogen hormone. In the past years, estrogen was taken from outside for the treatment of these problems. But it is no longer used because it increases the risk of breast cancer. Instead, soy isoflavone, which acts like estrogen (estrogen modulator) and resolves all these complaints, is used.
Isoflavone prevents its deficiency in some way by holding where the estrogen is attached to the body. You can compare this to a person with high blood pressure adding too much lemon instead of salt to a salad.
Isoflavone has no established side effects. On the contrary, there are scientific studies that it reduces breast cancer by mimicking estrogen.
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