What is PCOS Hair Loss?
How to stop PCOS Hair Loss? But before, there are too many health issues for humans. Even doctors do not know every one of them. Because of this, there are specialties in the medical world. You never hear some issues like Bardet-Biedl syndrome. But you hear some of them because they occur often than other issues. For example, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. PCOS for the short term. PCOS is a women’s health issue. It can be found in one in five women. This is a hormonal disorder and occurs in women at reproductive ages. PCOS may affect the menstrual period by making it infrequent or prolonged. The ovaries develop a few small follicles and fail to regularly release eggs. The exact source of PCOS is unknown but doctors think the insulin hormone is responsible for developing the disease. Usually, most of the PCOS patients are overweight women.
What is PCOS?
PCOS is a hormonal health issue that occurs in overweight women. Too much weight causes insulin resistance. And PCOS is related to the insulin hormone. Insulin resistance development may cause PCOS disease. This disease is a very important ovulation problem for women. This disease can occur in one woman in five. Women must make their gynecological examinations regularly. This carries great importance for detecting the disease. In a woman’s body, one ovum develops during a menstruation period. With this disease, a few ova tries to develop. But they can’t, naturally. None of the ova gain ability to fertilize. While ultrasonic inspection, ovaries look like kists that hold undeveloped ova inside. If you have irregular menstrual periods, an increase in pubescence, and your weight is higher than usual, you might have PCOS. And you must go to a hospital. Early treatment is important for this disease.
While planning the treatment process, there are some steps. First, the patient must get to a healthier weight with a dietitian. If needed, “metformin” can be used. Metformin is a drug that diabetes patients use. With medical treatment and weight loss, menstruation can be highly normalized. And with the disappearance of the ovulation problem, pregnancy can happen by itself. But after these processes, if the problem still present, maybe some hormone syringes can be injected. After these steps, a sexual reproduction and vaccination method is recommended for pregnancy. If you can’t get pregnant in these ways, then a Vitro fertilization can be applied to you. A pilosity problem will probably occur. Birth control pills and Eflornithine can be useful. Also, Aldactone is a useful medicine but since it can cause birth defects, pregnant women and people with pregnancy plans shouldn’t use this medicine.
What is Hair Loss?
Hair loss is an annoying problem. Probably no one likes that. But this is a fact that hair loss is a common problem. Because a lot of reasons makes your hair fall. Like stress, aging, some health issues. One of the health issues that make the hair fall is PCOS. How To Stop PCOS Hair Loss? Let’s mention about other ones first. Aging is the most common hair loss reason. When people get old, they lost their hair. Simple as that. But if you treat your hair nice and carefully, you can postpone it. Another one is stress. Stress affects your body very badly. Not only that, it affects your psychological health. Stress makes a lot of appearance changes and one of them is hair loss. During the stressed days, you may experience hair loss but after these times, it will stop falling.
If you have kin in your family who lost their hair early, you can be like him/her. Because another reason for hair loss is genetic inheritance. And as mentioned before, some health issues make your hair fall. Usually, hormonal changes cause hair loss problems. If you have a hormonal disorder and hair loss, these two issues may be connected. To find it out, you should check your hormonal values. Some hair loss types are unfortunately permanent. But fortunately, there is a solution: A hair transplant. You can get FUE and DHI transplants at our clinic. Best experts will take care of your hair loss problem. For more information, please contact us via Whatsapp. And some temporary hair losses may be expelled with proper treatment. For stress, take a shower every two days, free your agenda and take a short break. For PCOS, there is a bit more than that.
How To Stop PCOS Hair Loss?
For taking care of the hair loss caused by PCOS, you should get rid of PCOS first. If you get rid of PCOS, your hair loss problem should be gone with it. If it isn’t, there is another problem that makes your hair loss. For getting rid of PCOS, you should change your lifestyle. Because with a low calories diet and exercise, you can lose weight and your condition will improve. That also helps with the medications that you will use. Birth control pills, Progestin therapy, Clomiphene, Letrozole, Metformin, and Gondatropins are these medications. Gonadotropins are injectable medications. Birth control pills might make a pilosity problem. You can use vaginal rings and skin patches instead of pills for avoiding pilosity. If you don’t become pregnant while using Clomiphene, your doctors will recommend adding Metformin. Metformin also helps with diabetes type 2 and weight loss.
Follow the doctor’s instructions and suggestions strictly. By using these medications and losing some weight, you probably will overcome PCOS and PCOS related hair loss. After reading this article, go to a doctor. This article is for only information. There might be another reason causing PCOS. Because there is no known reason for PCOS. Also, your hormonal disorder may be caused by another health issue. Even it isn’t, these treatments must be applied under the control of an expert. Without an expert’s supervision, these treatments can be highly dangerous and deadly. Make sure you go to a doctor for your PCOS problem.