The success of a hair transplant depends on several factors. The skill, accuracy, and technique of the surgeon performing your procedure are obviously paramount. But once your surgeon does his job, what happens next can also play an important role in determining if your transplant is getting the results you want. What happens next is the recovery phase of the hair transplant trip and the things you do – and do not do – during this critical period can make a difference.

As with any surgery, a hair transplant requires a recovery time during which you will have to adhere to certain restrictions on activity, lifestyle, and diet for a while to allow your body to heal.

Wash Your Hair

Washing and taking care of your hair after a hair transplant is very important for the health of your hair. Therefore, you must follow the rules carefully. Washing days and methods should be as follows.

Day 1

On the day of operation, without washing, there are bandages on the head area.

Day 2

No washing or any other procedure.

Day 3 (sometimes, Day 2)

The first wash after the transplant will be done by our team at the clinic. You will be informed about the date.

Day 4 and Day 10 

Washing at home. After the first wash at the clinic, you will wash your head at home. Before washing you will use the lotion or oil given to you. It must be applied before each wash. Apply the recommended lotion or oil to the transplanted area by lightly touching the skin with your fingers. The movements must be done from top to bottom, without rubbing. Keep the lotion or oil for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the lotion or oil with warm water. The water should not be cold or hot. It is important to wash your hair with warm water. Note that the water flow should also be weak. The next stage is the shampoo. Start by dipping your head first. Then put the recommended shampoo in your hands and clean it there.


Then apply the foam to the areas where the hair was implanted. Make sure you do not rub it with your hand. Do it with very light movements up and down. Use your fingers to gently apply the shampoo to the donor areas. Then rinse the shampoo with a gentle stream of water. Do not dry the hair transplant area. Be careful not to rub. Do not use towels. Do not use a hairdryer. Let it dry. You can use towels in areas outside the hair transplant area. After rinsing, to increase blood circulation, gently massage the graft area without rubbing it. You can wash your hair in the neck area or other areas of the donor. Using lotion or oil in these areas will reduce itching. If you have the opportunity, it will be much better to do the washing twice a day (morning and evening).

Peeling 10 to 14 days after washing

From the day of the transplant until today, your skin will be crusty. Using and washing with oil lotion will significantly reduce the crust. It is important to remove the skin after the procedure with lotion and wash. This will ensure that the planted follicles remain healthy. Especially after Day ten, you can apply the massage movements a little harder to get rid of the crust. It is necessary to get rid of all the crust

There should be no bark after the 14th day. At this stage, you must come to our clinic or send us your photos to show that the crust has been removed. In this way, we can evaluate progress.

Day 15 onwards

You do not need to follow the above washing procedure. You do not need to use the lotion and shampoo they recommend. You can continue with the same shampoo if you want.

Products to use

You need to take some medicine for 8 days after the surgery and use some products to wash your hair for 2 weeks.


  • Take regular prescription medicines. You will be given a detailed form that includes prescription drugs and instructions.
  • It is important to use the recommended shampoo for the first 14 days. Instructions are given below.
  • It is important to use the recommended lotion for the first 14 days. Instructions are given below.


How Long Should I Rest?

You need to take some medicine for 8 days after the surgery and use some products to wash your hair for 2 weeks.


  • Take regular prescription medicines. You will be given a detailed form that includes prescription drugs and instructions.
  • It is important to use the recommended shampoo for the first 14 days. Instructions are given below.
  • It is important to use the recommended lotion for the first 14 days. Instructions are given below.

Depending on your doctor’s recommendation, you may need to use a moisturizer.


For the first 3 nights, you should use a high pillow or it can be two pillows (at an angle of about 45 degrees), to reduce swelling in your head.


You can lie on your back, but you should never lie down. Make sure the recipient area does not come into contact with the pillow.


If the implants have been transplanted to the top of your head and if the pillow is likely to come in contact with this area when it is on your back, then put a rolled towel under your neck to avoid contact.


The use of the head protects against swelling in the head. You should start wearing a ribbon after the first wash. The bandage we wear in our clinic will have the same function until then.


We will do the first hair wash after the operation in our clinic. We recommend that you wear the headrest for 2 days.


Never sleep with a headband on your head. Keep your head clean and wash regularly. While wearing it and taking it off, you need to stretch the headrest to the side to make sure it does not pull your hair.


It is recommended to wear a hat when going outdoors. It will provide protection from the sun and other external conditions (rain, dust, etc.).


Otherwise, do not wear a hat indoors or if the weather is good. You can start wearing a hat on the 5th day after surgery. Put the hat on your head very loosely and make sure it is not too tight.


When wearing the hat, put it gently on your head with both hands and remove it by pulling it with both hands. Make sure it is not rubbed into the transplanted hair. Keep the hat clean and wash regularly.


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