Have you just undergone a hair transplant surgery? Well, you must now be very happy with your new look and want to try various styles that you were missing out on. After all, for what else did you get the treatment, right?
But stop right there! Are you 100% sure that you can use hair products postsurgery? Are the products you are about to use safe for your scalp?
Well, this article might help you out with that. Continue reading to know what you should or shouldn’t do after the transplant surgery.
You should not shampoo your hair immediately after the surgery. In fact, doctors advise avoiding shampoo for at least two days after the procedure.
Since your scalp needs some time to heal, start by using a mild or baby shampoo 48 hours post-op. Also, make sure to be gentle on your hair. Steer clear of scrubbing your hair roughly as it can irritate the new grafts.
You can use a conditioner after a few days of the surgery. However, make sure to consult your surgeon first.
Since conditioners can reduce the itching and encourage healing procedure by allowing the scabs to fall off, it is advisable to add conditioner to your regime at the right time.
Hair Gel and Hair Spray
Patients can start using hair sprays, gels, and mousses after two to three weeks. But it is still advisable to check with your doctor first before using these hair styling products.
If you want to make your hair look fuller and more voluminous, you can use mousse, but not without consulting your surgeon.
Hair Dye
Since the hair follicles are sensitive after the surgery, it is advisable not to use any harsh and strong chemicals right after the treatment. You must wait at least three weeks to put such products as a hair dye on your hair.
Styling, Drying, and Trimming the Hair
At a minimum, you must wait for at least three weeks before getting a haircut after the treatment. If you want a shorter haircut, you need to wait longer than three weeks and ask for your doctor’s advice.
As for blow-drying your hair, please refrain from doing it in the first week and allow your hair to air-dry. Since your scalp is still likely to be numb in the first week, a hairdryer can damage your hair follicles and scalp.
Also, even after the doctor clears you for blow-drying, make sure to use the styling equipment on the lowest heat setting.
With the right team of skilled professionals, you can never go wrong with the surgery. However, getting a successful procedure from a reliable and experienced centre is not enough to get you the results you want. The aftercare is just as important as the pre-op care and procedure techniques.