Post FUE Spray

What Is FUE Method?

What is post Fue spray? Hair follicles are taken from a specific region of the head is added to the FUE method of hair not. This hair in the area to be planted before the hair roots are shortened up to 1 mm before the root. Plantation of anaesthetized with local anaesthesia and begins to be transferred to the balding process of the hair. With local anaesthesia, the person does not feel any aches and pains. Furthermore, the method comprises that the cut or seam is usually painless.


Using the FUE method, treatment results in an average of 1 to 1.5 years. The most positive aspect of this treatment is that there are no cuts or stitches in the area where the hair was taken. There is very little pain after this surgery and the recovery period is very quick. Scratches may be encountered only in the area where the hair follicles to be transplanted are taken, but these also heal very quickly.

Healing Process After FUE Hair Transplantation

Although the healing process after post Fue spray hair transplantation varies from person to person, it is the period of time after hair transplantation, which starts as of the day of the hair transplantation.

Fue; Since the hair transplant method, which has been used since 2002, no incision is performed on the scalp of the patients during the operation, the healing process is completed faster and more effectively. The area will scab just 3 days after the hair transplantation according to the normal course of the process, within 10 days the scabs will shed. A red image will remain. As the hair grows again.  Overcomes the shock shedding process, new lush and healthy hair starts to grow at a normal rate.

The visible change will occur by 6 months and the final result is completely completed within 1 year in hair growth. The variability of the healing process is also related to how many post-operative instructions given by the hair transplant doctor are followed. In the healing process, many issues such as after hair transplantation, nutrition, daily activities, alcohol-smoking, sexual intercourse should be controlled for a certain period of time and the process should be managed well.

Symptoms begin to be observed in the first three days after Fue Hair transplantation. Symptoms are the way to follow the healing process. It must be controlled and managed. Performing operations according to symptoms will ensure successful results from FUE hair transplantation.

Healing Symptoms After Fue Hair Transplantation

During the healing process after FUE hair transplantation, there are certain stages that the person should follow. Numerous reactions for the intervention of the person on the scalp and roots, depending on the sensitivity of the balding by seeding the hair transplantation operation can be observed. These reactions observed after transplantation are variable. Because many tiny holes opened on the scalp for hair transplantation should be noted that part of the improvement of these reactions. Such symptoms are seen in everyone who has a hair transplant without exception; These are variables that may take earlier in some, later in some, shorter in some, and longer in others.

Scabbing on the Scalp

While the hair follicles are collected and the channels where the roots will be transplanted, small holes are opened in the scalp. During the operation, these holes bleed from the root removal process, after the operation, the body starts to form clots in the places where the wound is located to heal the wound. For the body to repair the wound, it must do the crusting process. Scab is a normal part of the healing process after hair transplantation.

Itchy Scalp

Scabbing after hair transplantation, itching caused by scab are among the symptoms that may disturb patients during the healing process. As the tissue heals itself, more blood flow will pass through the area. When the scabs begin to shed, they will immediately relieve themselves from the scalp with an itching sensation to get rid of the skin. This problem is more common in dehydrated skins. If itching lasts too long and is thought to be caused by a different reason than healing. The transplant doctor must be informed.

Redness on the Scalp

Redness when the shell is cleaned. The hair removed from the skin after the hair is a sign of recovery. A light redness in skin appearance will occur after planting zone acreage washed and shells. Over time, the rash leaves itself a slight pinkness. Redness is a serious step in healing, hair follicles begin to grow after this stage.

What is the effect of using saline spray after hair transplantation?

The saltwater spray is advocated by some to loosen and soften scabs that occur after hair transplantation. We advocate the use of mild shampoo, which we provide by gently pouring water. During gentle washing, rubbing or scratching should be avoided and should be done as recommended by our clinic. This will soften the scab and help the area heal.

Use saline solution supplied before a gentle shampoo application.

Saline solution and keep the area clean to promote healing and will also relieve the itching sensation any. Please be sure to keep your refrigerator that of the solution of saline.

Return to Normal Life After FUE Hair Transplantation

FUE is recommended after a day of rest and the patient can go to work the next day. 3. The hair extends out from the month and the average duration of the entire 9 months. Today, many plantation experts prefer the motorized system to save time. Fue Engine can be obtained due to more frequent intervals is the same amount of the graft site grafts can be extracted more number field received from the engine compared to screening. Another advantage of the post Fue spray is that the rate of breaking down grafts with multiple roots.  2-3 and 4 roots, is less, in other words, the success of the follicular unit to maintain its integrity is higher. For these reasons, it can be said that hair transplantation has turned into a more comfortable operation thanks to the Fue Engine.

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