Post-Hair Transplant Care

The first 7-day process, which is one of the most important processes after hair transplantation, starts after the person is discharged home. In the first three days, differences occur in the areas where hair transplantation is performed. After three days, the first bath can be taken. There are two important points to be considered in the first seven days after the hair transplant operation: There are two important points to be considered in the first seven days for post-hair transplant care. Do not tear off the scabs that are expected to start the day after the operation. If these two issues are paid attention to, the person will have a comfortable week. At the same time, this process of the first 7-10 days following the hair transplant operation is also considered critical by the doctors. 

When Does Hair Texture Reveal After Hair Transplantation?

The 7-day period following the hair transplant operation is also important in terms of noticing the physical change in the person to whom the application is performed. Because in this 7-day period, the hair tissues transferred to the front, side, and upper parts of the head begin to show themselves by holding on to the new place and getting used to it. On the 5th day, the hair tissues begin to become clear. It quickly manifests itself in the recovery of the scalp.

In this process of entering the growth phase, the person visibly notices the result of the hair transplant procedure. In this process of entering the growth phase, the person visibly notices the result of the hair transplant procedure. Starts to feel better. At the same time, the swelling caused by the operation will heal during this time.

During this 7-day period, there are certain changes in the color of the scalp. A pinkish color can be seen on the scalp after the application. The pinkish color problem disappears after 7 days. It is normal for the person’s scalp to shed between 5 and 7 days.

How to Care After Hair Transplantation?

Post-hair transplant care is very important. You should take care to take essential minerals and vitamins, which are in the natural structure of the hair, with natural foods. All B group vitamins, especially B7 vitamins, are essential for hair. Vitamins A, C, E, D, Zinc, and Iron. It is important that recovery can be achieved at its normal rate or even faster. Pay attention to a healthy, balanced diet that is also necessary for your body, tissue and skin. In addition, tissue healing should not be interrupted. That’s why you should take a break from your harmful habits of alcohol and smoking. 

It is natural to feel mild pain for the first three days after the operation. You can use mild doses of pain relievers if necessary. The pain usually decreases to minimal levels after the first 24 hours. There will be no need for painkillers. 

You should definitely lie on your back for the first few days. Your lying position according to the planting area is specified in addition to your doctor. After the procedure, be careful not to touch the hair transplantation area. Otherwise, the infection may occur. This is the most important thing for post-hair transplant care. Be careful. 

Use Your Medication

If the bandage is applied, it will be removed after 24 hours. And the dressing is done. After the dressing and bandage removal procedures, you will be given edema relief medications. Reduce your consumption of salt, which has edema-causing effects, by paying attention to your diet. Actually, we recommend that you end it for a few days. Also, switch to at least three liters/day application. 

Although rare, bleeding in minimal forms may be encountered until the third day after transplantation. Don’t worry it’s a completely natural process. Use your antibiotics regularly.

If you have regular medications, tell your doctor. You may have medications that can interact with antibiotics. 

An appointment will be made for hair washing. These washes usually happen three or four times. Do not delay your appointments. 

Use the shampoo, sprays, and lotions given by your doctor as described. Do not use normal shampoos other than these products.

7 Days After Hair Transplantation What Should Be Considered?

People who have undergone hair transplantation are recommended not to smoke for a week. At the same time, alcohol consumption should be avoided within 7 days. People are allowed to take a bath after the third day within a 7-day period. However, do not use very hot water. Also from sauna and solarium should be avoided. At the same time, one should not swim in the sea or pool this week.

It is important to inform your physician about the medications you use and review your disease history before having a hair transplant operation. On the other hand, it is strictly forbidden to use drugs with blood thinners for 7 days after hair transplantation. If you use regular medications, these should be evaluated by your doctor. You should be careful to take it in a controlled manner for 7 days. 

Care After Hair Transplantation: 6-12 Months

Hair has begun to grow. Massage movements that accelerate the blood flow to the hair follicles can be done easily. It is necessary to strengthen the hair follicles. Methods such as PRP and hair mesotherapy can be used in the care process after hair transplantation. Chemical products such as hair dyes should be avoided. Doctor controls should not be interrupted.

Care after hair transplantation shortens the healing time of hair. Apart from the above-mentioned post-hair transplant care procedures, people who have hair transplantation also resort to additional methods. Some methods to be applied in the post-hair care process can increase the permanence of the transplantation process. PRP and hair mesotherapy methods are among the post-hair transplant care supplements as well as nutrition, medicine, food, cosmetic products. Vitamin or nutritional supplements recommended by the doctor can be taken. Almost all of the hair is made up of proteins. You should get plenty of high-protein foods such as chicken, turkey, and meat. It will contribute to the formation of new hair. 

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