Those who have a hair transplant have their biggest hesitations. It is the infection of the follicles in the hair transplantation area and their death. It is a just fear. Because all efforts are wasted. In a person who already has a hair problem, the death of the roots makes replanting a problem.
Since the scalp is well blooded, the risk of inflammation is low. However, some things should be paid attention to.
If There Is Inflammation In Hair Transplantation, Will The Roots Die?
The inflammation progresses to the roots and dies. If this inflammation is spread over a large area, the roots in the whole area may die, if it is in a single follicle like acne, then that follicle dies, and if the acne is large, there will be a moth-eaten appearance. During transplantation, the skin is injured at thousands of points in both the receiving area and the planting area, in other words, a hole that can enter microbes is formed at thousands of points. The scalp is very bloody. It is not very common for microbes to enter from these places and to cause inflammation and spread of this inflammation. But when it does, it can be disastrous. For this reason, sterility should be paid maximum attention the during the transplantation process. When cleaning after sowing, it should cause germs.
Moisturizing does not help the wound. It causes the wound to become infected more easily. Inflammation occurs.
How to Prevent Germs After Hair Transplantation?
Antibiotics are usually started after the operation for prevention. Although the antibiotic partially protects, it does not have an absolute protective function. For a more effective measure, a solution containing a harmless moisturizer with a germicidal effect as much as possible and a soft shampoo with a germicidal effect should be preferred in post-treatment washing. Lotions are commonly used by women as moisturizers. It is washed with shampoo after 10-15 minutes or washing is recommended. For moisturizing purposes, gels produced for this purpose and better moisturizing and germicidal effect should be preferred, not skin moisturizers. Because moisturizers do not kill germs. It can prepare an environment for microbes to reproduce by mixing with blood.
Postop Set
Postop Set has brought a serious solution to the inflammation problem. The proposition of all centers that closely follow innovations in medicine shows this. It has been specially developed for washing after postop hair transplantation. It contains gel and instant foam.
In addition to preventing inflammation;
Less edema.
To reduce itching.
To nourish the hair.
It is applied very easily.
Easy to clean back.
It also has many advantages such as not damaging the roots.
The product to be used after hair transplantation should have the following features;
The product that softens the scabs and clots formed after transplantation;
It should kill the germs in the planting area. It should not contain an irritating substance. Should be easy to apply. It should not cause itching. When water is spilled from the application area, it should be easily cleaned. It should not contain substances that damage the roots. It should ensure that the swelling in the head is less.
Shampoo to be used in the first washing after transplantation;
It should foam easily. It should be mild like baby shampoo, not containing heavy chemicals. Should be moisturizing enough. Hair nourishing effect. It should have a germicidal effect. It should not contain harmful chemicals. Should be economical.
Which Shampoo To Use After Transplantation
Considered as a shampoo, there is actually not much different from each other regarding planting. There are two important problems in this regard. One is the infection, and it was detailed above. The other is the problem of foaming of the shampoo, while the shampoo is being lathered, the roots can move and cause it to die. For this reason, it is wise to use ready-made foam.
Donor Area Cleaning
The place where the roots are taken is called the donor area. Unfortunately, it remains overlooked after planting and not much information about its care is given. In fact, there is a hole at the point where the graft is taken, which is the cause of infection. Care should be taken in cleaning the donor area, even if not as much as in the planted area, and the products used in the planting area should also be used here.
Fue hair transplantation performed in unhealthy conditions, which is often used by people with hair loss
FUE Hair Transplantation is getting more widespread, but experts point out that hair transplantation operations performed under medically inadequate conditions cause health problems. Pointing out that operations performed under such conditions have a high risk of infection, experts also warn that the natural direction cannot be given in hair transplantation performed in unqualified hands and that the hair strands may grow straight.
The interest in FUE hair transplantation has led to the rapid proliferation of hair transplant centers. Experts say that even in apartments in the market, there are places where medical conditions are unfavorable, where hair transplantation is performed only by a health worker or a nurse without the supervision of a doctor. These places are very risky.
Risk is high with inadequate equipment
The risk of infection is quite high after hair transplantation operations performed in unhygienic conditions with inadequate medical equipment and an expert team. It is also seen that patients have gaps in their heads. In addition, while hair channels are opened in the Fue method, the hair strand is given a natural direction.
The FUE Hair Transplantation method is not an operation like other hair transplantation techniques and does not carry the general surgery risks such as pain, bleeding, wound opening, scarring.
In practice, an average of 10 thousand hair strands is subjected to medical treatment. Hair loss must be completed for hair transplantation. For this reason, this application is not applied to those under the age of 20. Hair starts to grow from the 3rd month after the operation. At the end of 1 year, 100 percent of the transplanted hair grows. 10-15 thousand hair strands are formed.
We need to take precautions to avoid possible inflammation after hair transplantation.
Finally, avoid fake clinics. Also, medicines are sold for a fee. So watch out for a better future.