PRP Hair Therapy and FUE Hair Transplantation

PRP FUE hair therapy and Fue hair transplantation treatment is widely used in hair restoration. Both options, give promising results for most of the people who tried them. If you suffer from hair loss, this article shows you how these techniques can help you.

What are the differences and similarities between these two treatments? This article discusses the similarities and differences between PRP treated with hair FUE hair transplantation.

PRP Hair Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy or PRP therapy for short is a new technique in hair restoration. This method is used in conjunction with other therapies to accelerate the healing process. Before discussing how PRP therapy works, let’s first see what PRP is. PRP stands for plasma rich in platelets, which is a component of blood. When the blood sample is centrifuged in a particular device, the red blood cells are separated from other blood components. As a result, plasma and platelets are separated from red blood cells.

Thus, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is obtained by removing red blood cells. The PRP obtained in this way is used for PRP hair treatment. In this technique, PRP is injected into the scalp with a syringe. This includes some minor and temporary side effects. A person with considerable hair loss can benefit from this unique technology. It is a minimally invasive treatment without interruption or recovery. The person can experience this and return to normal life. Unlike hair transplantation, the person does not have to go away from work to have this treatment.


If you suffer from hair loss and want to regrow your hair, this option is the procedure for you. It’s a safe, short, and effective option that works for most people. To learn more, you should visit your hair transplant surgeon or do some research on the internet.

While PRP has many advantages, such as being nonsurgical and requiring little downtime, there are some disadvantages. First it does require several treatments to receive the maximal benefit. Second and most importantly, while many patients see a nice amount of new growth, some patients may see no new growth at all, despite doing a complete series of treatments. Compare this to a hair transplant where virtually 100% of patients see new growth and you can see why many hair transplant surgeons tell patients this is their best option.

In summary, for those patients who are good candidates and are willing to have surgery, hair transplantation is their best option for the best results. For those unwilling or who are not good candidates for a hair transplant, PRP provides a new and exciting option. 

Hair Transplant: The Final Decision

After the excessive hair loss or baldness are different options to regrow hair. There are some prerequisites for PRP therapy and FUE hair transplantation and one of them should be a good candidate. You’ve read the similarities and differences between FUE Hair Transplantation Hair Therapy PRP. As a result, both techniques in hair regrowth and hair that much good can come of good to say. 

If you stop yourself from the extreme hair loss and hair loss now, it’s time to consider one of these two procedures to avoid becoming bald.

FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular unit extraction hair transplant, or FUE for short, is a famous method for hair restoration. Here, follicular units are removed from one part of the body to be transplanted to another area of ​​need. This new hair restoration option can work anywhere on the body. This hair restoration method is different from strip transplantation or FUT hair transplantation.

It works by collecting individual follicles from areas with more hair and then gently placing individual follicles on the scalp where hair loss occurs. Due to some downtime and recovery time. So, the person should have proper rest and care after doing this.

It is a mild surgical treatment and one or more sessions may be required to perform the treatment as required. The hair transplanted to the recipient area falls out after a while and begins to grow again.

If you have lost a significant amount of hair from the scalp of a particular region or if the bald spot on your own, you should consider this wonderful procedure. This new hair transplantation technique works well for most people. Finally, if you are interested, you may want to know more about him. So consult your hair transplant surgeon today and learn more. 

PRP Hair Therapy and FUE Hair Transplantation

PRP hair treatment and FUE hair transplantation are well known all over the world because they give great results to most people. Both techniques are different but regrowth of hair is the ultimate objective of both methods. Due to the nature of the PRP hair treatment is simple, but FUE hair transplantation is a bit complicated.

Both treatments are aimed at naturally eliminating hair loss. Both of these treatments have some pros and cons. In this section, we will try to compare these two techniques.

Let’s discuss the following similarities and differences: 


  • Procedures aim to naturally induce hair regrowth.
  • Options are safe, hassle-free, and effective for most people.
  • Procedures give long-lasting and natural-looking results.
  • Options take some time to naturally grow the increased hair count.
  • FUE hair transplant and PRP hair treatment can be done easily and a provider can be found nearby.
  • It takes a short time to complete both FUE hair transplantation and PRP hair treatment.
  • The recovery of both techniques is problem-free.


  • PRP after receiving treatment there is no downtime. FUE is experiencing some outages after making hair transplantation.
  • FUE is a minimally surgical method for hair restoration. PRP therapy is a non-surgical technique.
  • FUE, a donor from the area (scalp or body)
  • FUE case you need some time to heal. In the case of PRP therapy is no need to rest.
  • FUE hair transplant, hair is more expensive than the PRP treatment.
  • Overall, there is a huge difference between these two procedures.

Hair Transplant: The Final Decision

After excessive hair loss or baldness are different options to regrow hair. There are some prerequisites for PRP therapy and FUE hair transplantation and one of them should be a good candidate. You’ve read the similarities and differences between PRP Hair Therapy with FUE Hair Transplantation. As a result, the regrowth of both techniques in hair transplantation and hair can say that good.

If you stop yourself now from extreme hair loss and hair loss, it’s time to consider one of these two procedures to avoid being bald.

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