Shaving after your hair transplantation is caused by the growth of hair that is shortened before the operation. It is the first cut to eliminate lengths. Approximately 2 months after hair transplantation, the first cut can be made. Cutting with scissors instead of the basic knife in order not to damage the newly planted hair follicles.
The hair in the transplanted area begins to grow faster after the shock shedding process, while the hair that has been shortened before the operation continues to grow normally. Therefore, after a certain period of time after the hair transplant operation, a difference in hair length occurs between the transplanted area and other areas of the hair. In this case, the transplanted hair can be shortened using scissors depending on the growth rate of the hair.
First Month After Hair Transplantation: Correction
The first month after hair transplantation is quite open to the risk of hair loss. You shouldn’t shave your hair in the first month A few weeks after the operation; While it is not recommended to do activities such as sports and sexual intercourse, it is not recommended to perform the cutting process directly targeting the hairy area. In the donor area, where hair follicles are surgically removed for hairless and sparse areas , since it shows signs of recovery approximately 3 days after the operation, hair can be straightened with scissors in this area approximately 1 week later. Waiting longer for the donor area after hair transplantation is an advantage to protect this area from the sun, but there is no need to wait for a long time as it does not affect the transplantation area.
If there is an insistence on shortening the hair in the transplantation area, the hair can be cut from the ends without touching the roots, with scissors for the purpose of correction, with the permission of the doctor.
2nd Month After Hair Transplantation: Scissor Cutting
Hair can be cut with scissors until the second month after hair transplantation. However, razor blades are not used for the first cut after hair transplantation. Shaving transplantation can damage the scalp, as the acne caused by the scalp and transplantation operation may not heal. After the first wash, the crusts are shed. Shock shedding occurs and eventually grows back, hair becomes ready to be cut. Weak hair that occurs after transplantation against permanent hair after 2 months. Hair can now be cut with the help of scissors with peace of mind.
Of course, this talisman should be done by avoiding shaving in order not to damage the hair. The incision should only be made by shortening the ends of the hair. If the first shave after the hair transplant will be done in the barber, the information about the transplantation should be shared with the barber in order not to damage the hair.
3rd Month After Hair Transplantation: Cutting with a Shaver
3 months after the hair transplant, the hair is now suitable for shaving. However, razor cut is still not possible. The hair is now fully settled in the roots and after the hair transplantation, it has taken the process of shaving and shortening from the ends with scissors one step further. After 3 months, the hair has reached the level that can be used with a razor easily. After the hair transplantation, the use of a shaver is done with a 1 or 2 scalloped comb after the 3rd month. Being close to the scalp causes the newly healing scalp to be cut. As this may cause infection, the minimum hair length should not fall below 3 mm. Number 0 should not be preferred in the cutting process to be taken while using this razor blade.
6th Month After Hair Transplantation: Razor Cut
By the 6th month after the hair transplant, the hair is completely suitable for razor cutting. After 6 months, almost 80 percent of the transplanted hair follicles have grown and the hair has acquired a form close to natural. So much so that for the first time after hair transplantation, the hair has reached the stage of giving the desired shape.You can shave your hair after 6 months.
After the hair transplant, although the razor is usually shot to either grow the hair in one length or for the new hair to grow thicker; There is no definite information about hair strengthening that scraping the hair increases the quality of the hair. If the razor is hit, the procedure should be carried out after 6 months.
Donor Area Shaving After Hair Transplantation
We stated in the previous title that you should wait 1 or 1.5 months for the first shave after hair transplantation. However, this is not the case for the donor area. After hair transplantation, donor shaving can be done at any time. Since a haircut in the donor area will not affect the transplantation area, the time is not important.
However, it will be beneficial to wait a while for the donor area as well; Because the donor area injured during transplantation is protected from sunlight by camouflaging the growing hair. If you shave the donor area too early, the wounds in this area will be exposed to sunlight, and if it is exposed to the sun, redness will occur.
While shaving the donor area, not shortening the hair too much will prevent the occurrence of redness and will also ensure that the diluted area does not cause a bad appearance.
What Should Be Considered When Haircut Is Made After Hair Transplantation?
Wait for the recommended time for the first haircut after hair transplantation.
The scissors, razor or razor you shave must be sharp and hygienic.
It will be much healthier if the first shaving is done with scissors.
It is more beneficial not to shorten the existing hair as it camouflages both the donor area and the
transplantation area and protects it from external factors. When the area you shave is exposed to sunlight, it will start to burn and will disturb you.
You can use scissors or a shaving machine within the second month after hair transplantation.
It is recommended to wait at least 3 months before shaving your hair with a razor.