Solving The Hair Loss Crisis

Hair loss or also coined as “alopecia areata” is an autoimmune disorder wherein your own bodily defences go against you. Losing your hair for any reason can be very stressful and frustrating, especially if you experience this at a young age or if it becomes a permanent condition.

A lot of people with hair loss would give up anything or spend a lot more than usual just to take control of this condition. It happens to everyone actually – it just differs in duration and at what particular age. Regardless, it just happens.

Hair Loss in Men

A normal hair scalp would have around 100,000 hair follicles that are constantly renewing and growing. It’s a process of shedding and growing, which keeps everything in harmony. You can actually lose 100 to 200 hair strands a day, and that is just normal.

With men though, the process is a bit slower. The growth phase is relatively shorter compared to the resting phase, which spans for a longer time. Hair loss could happen at any age although some would get it in their 30’s or mostly in their 50’s.

The hair loss process would usually start at the temples, and then a patch would form on the crown and then spread all the way down. The hairline recedes, and the patch grows bigger too. Male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia is one of the most common types of hair loss that affects men in their 50’s and 70’s.

Hair Loss in Women

Women also experience hair loss but not to the same extent as of men. It’s also less common to females and more experienced by males. The pattern is also very different because there really is no permanent hair loss with women.

Hair loss would only affect 50% of women’s hair. The hair would get extremely thin, which can pose problems when styling their hair. Just around 20% of women actually experience traumatic hair loss.

Solving the Hair Loss Crisis – Nature Says It All!

It doesn’t just boil down to genetics. The medications or supplements you take, illnesses, stress, hormonal imbalance, surgeries, and hair treatments could affect hair growth.

It’s said to have something to do with nature or your genes. It’s either you have it, or you don’t. If your mom or dad (or both) experience permanent hair loss, then you would most likely inherit the trait. It will be just a matter of time or knowing how extensive the hair loss would be.

In this case, you become genetically susceptible to acquiring hair loss. It’s a crisis and has been changing people’s lives and perspectives. For some, it could just be hair and not really a big deal. However, a person’s hair is one source of self-esteem and could affect how he or she perceives oneself.

Age-related hair loss or genetic hair loss though it is impossible to reverse or cure. There could be partial regrowth but not a complete one. There are OTC medications for stimulating hair growth such as minoxidil and finasteride, which has been used for a long time. Furthermore, there are some side effects noted but are very minimal such as dermatitis, dryness, and itching of the scalp. 


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