Stages of Hair Growth After Transplant

Hair transplantation is a popular procedure that is applied to the patient without damaging the hair and allows new hair to grow in areas where hair follicles are sparse. The correct growth phase after hair transplantation will give positive results to the patient. As a result of being patient and completed without stress, the patient regains healthy and new hair. After 1 year, the patient’s hair will grow and the patient will be able to shape his hair as he wishes. There are many stages of the recovery period after hair transplantation. The hair growth process begins after the day of hair transplantation. The growth start from the first day then causes a natural appearance and visible change within 1 year. After 6th month patient can to notice for visible changes for her or his hair . Process are important as the hair transplantation.

Hair Transplant Stages

The grafts in the hair that start to grow from the first day grow completely within an average of 1 year and the hair regains its natural appearance. The changes in grafts growth vary day by day starting from the 1st day. Grafts healing on the 1st day is among the most important stages in the growth of grafts. On the day of hair transplantation, grafts are collected from the area where the donor will take and then the channel is opened. After the channel opening process, the grafts taken are placed in the area to be applied. In hair transplant growth stages, grafts are usually taken from the patient’s nape area. The reason for the grafts taken from the nape area is that the cells in the nape area are more alive. After the hair transplantation, a bandage is attached to the nape area to heal the donor area.

Things to do After Hair Transplantation


One of the most important factors after the procedure is the sleeping position and pillow selection. Pillow that will not be hard should chose. It is important not to put pressure on the donor area by using a neck pillow. Since the procedure apply to the patient is new, there may be a bloody appearance in the hair, but this appearance will disappear within 1 week. After the necessary treatments and with the controls, the patient does not have swelling, but if the stages after the procedure are not take into account, swelling may see in the patient’s transplant area. Generally, swelling starts on the 3rd day after the procedure and disappears at the end of the 6th day.

There may be problems such as exfoliation but this problem passes in a short time. The procedure to be apply on the 3rd day after the hair transplant operation is the washing process. On the 3rd day after the hair transplant, special shampoo and lotions are use. The lotion and shampoo use explain by the doctor without harming the donors. One week after the hair transplant, you can wash the hair several times a day without harming the donors. A special hat is give the doctor to avoid the sun rays or to prevent the hair from being damage. The patient can use the special hat given. It’s may feel in the hair during the growth phase after hair transplantation.

The itchiness felt is normal because this is an indication of a healing time. Itching should also be careful and definitely not harm the hair. In the first 10 days, different scabs on the hair will improve after 10 days and there will be no scab problem. The crusts form should be cleaned carefully. The lotions give by the doctor on the 10th day should be applied slowly without damaging the hair. Visible changes occur on the 10th day.


 Hair Growth Process After Hair Transplantation

For hair transplantation, you can notice the growth of hair follicles in the donor area. Shock shedding may occur in patients in the 1st and 2nd month in the hair transplant growth stages, but this shock is between the growth phase of the hair. Hair loss is normal, the patient should not panic and be patient. In the third month of hair growth, healthier and more begin to grow with the shed hair. Newly growing hair may be thin, but these hair will thicken over time. Hair in some areas may be short, but these will grow over time. Most of the rashes that appear in the patient will be past. After the 3rd months hair transplant growth stages phase, the patient’s hair grows without any loss and the formation of new hair follicles provides visible formation.

So, care and use of lotion is also very important during the 4th months phase. The patient should give direction while applying care to his hair. Most of the hair has completed its growth phase in the 5th and 6th months after hair transplantation. Hair gradually reaches the desired appearance.

After the operation, hair becomes thick. The fine hairs that grow after hair transplantation begin to thicken. A natural appearance is form in the hair gradually. The sparse and new hair follicles seen in the 6th month phase should not become a problem since they will thick in 1 year. The sparse area will become thicker over time. After the 7th month, a complete change is observe in the patient. In the 8th and 10th months phase, the hair has now grown even more and the sparse area has become thick.

Thin hairs have started to thicken. There is more naturalness in the appearance of the hair. In 80% of patients, new hair and change occur.

One of the most important results in the growth phase is the appearance of a better appearance compare to the previous months. It is very important for the patient to be successful in the phase after the hair transplantation process, to apply the applications in a way that does not damage the hair, to grow new hair and become thicker.

Results of Hair Transplantation


The subsequent stages as well as the hair transplantation process greatly affect the growth. In the first year after hair transplantation, the patient will have completely new hair. There is a positive change in the patient’s appearance. The change structure of the hair, that is, its growth may continue after 1 year. There will be no problems or problems. In 1 year, the hair structure of the patient completes the growth phase completely and forms a whole as an image.

Visible success results in 1 year, and even if hair growth occurs, the patient can easily cut his hair. Without the need for special lotions and shampoos applied after hair transplantation, the patient can use the shampoos used in his normal life. The patient will see growth in his hair throughout his life.

It is important for the patient that the patient, who has a healthy and growing hair, has completed all the growth stages after hair transplantation.

Regardless of the growth stages of the hair, men and women show the same result. Every patient who completes the growth phase correctly will experience a positive result. The important thing is to follow the growth phase step by step patiently and not to take actions that will damage the hair.

Finally, the patient, who has beautiful and healthy hair in terms of visuality for the rest of his or her life, can continue his or her life with his or her new hair, using standard shampoos and normal care products, without being anxious.


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