Stages Of Hair Loss For Women

Women also experience hair loss at some point in their lives. The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery revealed that around 14.2% of females around the world undergo hair restoration procedures.

Also, women are more emotionally affected and traumatized with hair loss or androgenetic alopecia than men.

This is because men can shave their head or completely go bald and still look incredibly attractive.

Women can’t seem to imagine not having any hair and still looking feminine.

A Queen’s Nightmare – Hair Loss in Women

There is a standard of beauty for women and somehow having less or zero hair won’t fall into that metrics. Society dictates the standards of beauty.

Women would generally look at their hair as their “crowning glory”. Hair loss becomes a curse for many women who regard their locks as a part of being a woman and a queen.

Feelings of shame and fear of rejection are common with female pattern hair loss or FPHL. You feel less of a woman or lose a part of your identity because of hair loss.

Hair loss in women occurs as a result of hairstyling, diet modifications, hormonal changes, and stress. This would usually happen to women whose ages are 65 and older.

Identifying the Stages of Hair Loss for Women

The hair loss pattern in women is different from men because it usually starts with hair thinning rather than balding or a receding hairline.

With women, the hairline at the front appears normal but the hair thinning would be evident in the crown or when they style and part their hair.

Androgenetic Alopecia

This is primarily triggered by dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or androgen. This would commonly start from puberty to age 40. Hormonal factors seem to affect female pattern hair loss.

Senescent Alopecia

This would usually occur to women whose age ranges from 45 to 55. This is basically an age-related form of alopecia.

Alopecia Areata

This is an alopecia form that does not just affect the hair but also other parts of the body, such as the hair found in the face and chest areas.

This patchy form of hair loss is commonly connected to certain autoimmune diseases such as cancer, Addison’s disease, and lupus.

Telogen Effluvium

This type of hair loss resulted from stressful events such as surgeries, pregnancy, and childbirth which also cause hormonal fluctuations.

Your hair could shed within the first three months following a stressful event.

Traction Alopecia

Described as trauma on the hair follicles from heating or hair styling.

Hair loss in women is very easy to manage and treat as compared to that of male pattern baldness. While it doesn’t really result in a fully bald head, many women clearly want to stop hair loss or hair thinning at its tracks right away.

Seeing a dermatologist or a general practitioner would help you figure out the best treatment options for hair loss. The physician would also explain hair restoration procedures in detail.

Most physicians recommend Rogaine because it helps stimulate hair growth, especially with continuous usage.


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