The Best Hairline with FUE Hair Transplant

Losing the hairline is tragic for any man, worse still is the fact that you can see how it occurs in real-time. A receding hairline first pokes into your head as a dubious little set of missing hair until becoming terrifyingly obvious. The process continues slowly but surely and ends up taking away most of what made your hair identifiable.

Men often find it embarrassing to seek out help in dealing with their receding hairline thinking it is a fait accompli once it shows. This is, of course, not true at all, there much that can improve it in fact. It’s possible to restore the best hairline with FUE hair transplant thanks to the unique possibilities it affords us.

Why Hairlines Recede

From those days of old teenagerhood when your hairline was decisively strong and firmly set to their receding days is quite a change. Most men start to notice a slight change in their hairline once they reach the ages of 18 to 20.

It is there where a slight readjustment happens, and the hairline accommodates a bit. Hair from the temples and the hairline start forming a slight ’M’ shape by receding back ever so slightly.

The shift happens progressively, and it’s not much notable, but it is a sign of how the hair loss might end up evolving.

The receding hairline and male pattern baldness happen due to the dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Once produced, this hormone acts on the hormonal receptors found in our hair follicles.

DHT attaches itself to the hair follicles, reacts with them, and causes them to start shrinking. The shrinking is what causes your hair to start thinning, starting at the hairline. The shrinking continues progressively until the hair follicles grow no more.

Getting the Best Hairline with FUE Hair Transplant

Since the beginning of them, the procedure of hair transplant sought to correct the receding hairlines. The first widely available technique for it was the much-maligned hair plugs, which left odd-looking results.

Then came forward the mini graft and micrograph procedures. The idea was simple, provide a hair plug procedure in which the hairline did not end up looking like doll hair. To do so, the hair graft that would go into the hairline was subject to dissecting and trimming, making them smaller. Once in place, the results were good and masked the most obvious looking hair plugs in the crown area.

But it could be better and further developments end up bringing FUE hair transplants more than a decade later.

Achieving the best hairline with FUE hair transplant is easy due to the versatility of its tiny hair grafts. FUE requires the surgeon to extract the hair follicles directly from the back of the scalp with 1mm or fewer scalpels. Thus, effectively making all graft ‘mini-grafts’ directly from extraction.

The softness of the grafts and the hair grown from it is what not only provides the best hairline with FUE transplant but the best overall hair. Our surgeon’s results blend seamlessly by following your hair’s natural growth pattern. Contact us to regain your hairline of old.


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