Treatments for Hair Loss in Turkey

One of the first countries to massively adopt the performing of hair transplant procedures, Turkey is now recognized by many as a true powerhouse of hair transplant that it has been for quite a while now.

Since the ’90s, Turkey has been at the forefront of offering hair transplant procedures when it was just getting popular again. After the disastrous reception of the ’50s “hair plug,” Tukey was at the vanguard of the new techniques as they developed. 

Thanks to the word spreading through social media, now the whole world knows about the quality of the treatments for hair loss in Turkey.

A Booming Industry

Treatment for hair loss in Turkey is serious business, literally. Hair transplants are part of the health tourism industry. Health tourism is when a patient goes abroad to undergo a medical or cosmetic procedure for a more affordable price than what they would pay at home.

It just so happens that health tourism is big in Turkey—as in billion-dollar big. Out of 750,000 health tourism-related procedures in the year 2017, 60,000 were for treatments for hair loss in Turkey. The country even has its own Ministry of Health Tourism to oversee the quality of the services.

Hair Loss Treatments in Turkey

Treatments for hair loss in Turkey include the definitive, permanent solution to any hair loss problem: a hair transplant. 

The treatments for hair loss in Turkey have included the early adoption of the latest techniques in hair transplants.

As a result, Turkish hair transplant surgeons are extremely proficient in techniques of FUE and DHI hair transplants.

Follicular unit excision (FUE) is a hair transplant method in which our surgeon makes a microscopic incision at the base of hair from the back of the scalp. After the incision, they rotate the scalpel around the hair to cut it from the rest of the surrounding tissue. Once freed, the surgeon extracts it with the help of a forceps.

The extracted hair includes the hair follicles from which it grows and is referred to as a “follicular unit.” This follicular unit is securely stored on a tray for later use, and the surgeon proceeds to repeat the excision process in the next hair. The number of follicular units extracted depends on the patient’s particular needs.

After excising all follicular units, the surgeon makes microscopic incisions on the balding area. Through those incisions, they graft the extracted follicular units in the balding area, fixing the hair follicle in the scalp.

On the other hand, direct hair implantation (DHI) hair transplant follows the very same procedure until the implantation part. The DHI employs an implanter pen, called a “Choi pen,” which allows the doctors to cut the scalp and implant the graft at the same time.

Our surgeon makes sure the graft follows the natural growth pattern of your hair. Due to this, the result of both procedures is very natural-looking. The hair transplant procedure is the final answer to your hair loss problem. Contact us if a high-quality, affordable hair transplant is what you seek.


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