In many rural areas, tinea capitis is a disease that is caused by fungi transmitted from animals. Children often get an infection in rural areas with contact from animals. Fungal contamination can also spread from pets such as cats and dogs. It has various complications, from dandruff to inflammation.
Infection usually occurs in winter as people give less importance to hygiene conditions in cold weather.
Scalp infections are seen in childhood, not in adulthood. The reason is that the structure of the adult hair does not allow the fungus to multiply on the scalp. However, if the fungus infection is not treated in childhood, it may continue at an adult age.
Tinea capitis, if untreated, may cause some bad effects on the body, especially in the heart and kidneys. In case of an untreated superficial type, a deep kind may emerge. Untreated cases may cause infection to other parts of the body and other children.
Treatment of Tinea Capitis
Local medicines and oral fungicides are as convenient as treatment. However, for a deep-type version, antibiotic therapy can be necessary until the inflammation disappears. Although the duration of treatment varies according to the level of infection, the average period is up to eight weeks. On the other hand, tinea capitis may proceed to tinea capitis superficialis, tinea capitis profunda, or tinea capitis favosa.
If left untreated, it can cause permanent hair loss as well as blood poisoning. Treatment varies according to the condition and type of the disease. Treatment prevents progression and transmission of infection.
In addition to locally effective drugs such as balms, ointment, and spray, doctors use systemic medications such as griseofulvin, ketoconazole, itraconazole.
How to Prevent This Disease
It is necessary to avoid the use of the same comb, hairbrush, hat, towel, and pillow. Spores around these can survive and infect someone. It can pass from person to person with contact with any hair.
Indications of Tinea Capitis
The scalp of the patient looks like a rotten tomato with a swelling. Furthermore, multiple swellings may occur. The hair looks dull and lifeless in most of the cases. Dandruff, hair loss, and hair strand breakages can also be observed. There may be an increase in fever. In cases where inflammation affects the organs, there may be findings according to the affected organ.
Fungal infection of the head (scalp), which is thought to have decreased today, is considered one of the most serious diseases in rural regions. If it is diagnosed and treated on time, it will not be a problem. Therefore, within the framework of preventive medicine, in rural areas, strict supervision of schools, dormitories, hairdressers, and barbers is essential.