Vitamin B6 For Strengthening the Hair

Pyridoxine, most commonly known as Vitamin B6, is a compound that makes much for the body. 

Intake of Vitamin B6 actually helps maintain our bodies healthy, strong, and good looking through many of its functions. One part that it particularly affects is our hair’s growth and keeping it’s healthy looks, making it a key part in its preservation.

For the hair, particularly, it helps them to be moist and retains said moisture. That effect is what gives it it’s flexible, soft appearance and is only one of the visible effects of Vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6’s activity is deeply important for the metabolism’s processing of protein within the body, acting as a catalyst for it.

It sets off-key chemical reactions and signals the activation of enzymes. This enables the metabolism to produce keratin and melanin, which are the hair proteins. Major allocation of these two is what makes the hair able to grow and renew itself repeatedly.

Vitamin B6 also helps regulate the release of both of the sex hormones: testosterone and oestrogen. This plays a part in hair loss since testosterone converts into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) through an enzyme.

DHT is the hormone directly responsible for the hair loss process since it leads to the shrinking of the hair follicles. However, research has shown that vitamin B6 can bind itself to the testosterone receptors of all over the body. Due to this, it effectively prevents testosterone conversion into DHT.

Additionally, vitamin B is also responsible for facilitating the flow of oxygen to the blood supply of the scalp and its follicles.

Vitamin B6 As a Stress Relief

Besides sex hormones, vitamin B6 also plays a part in the production of dopamine and serotonin. Both of these are the neurotransmitters responsible for pleasurable sensations. Said neurotransmitters’ presence has a decisive effect on our mood and health.

An increase of B6 is then correlated with higher chances of elevated, ‘happier’ feelings when conditions for it are optimal.

Where to Find Vitamin B6

The following foods contain high concentrations of Vitamin B6:

  • Organ cuts: heart, liver, kidneys.
  • Meat: chicken turkey mainly, beef.
  • Fish/Seafood: oysters, tuna, cod, mackerel, salmon.
  • Vegetables: potatoes, spinach, celery, asparagus, cabbage. Also tomatoes, sweet peppers, pumpkin, beans.
  • Fruits: pomegranate, bananas, oranges, avocado.
  • Berries: sea-buckthorn, strawberries, blueberries.
  • Nuts: Greek nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, soybeans, almonds, peanuts, pistachio nuts
  • Cereals: buckwheat, millet, and rice. Sprouted sprouts of wheat and bran also work.
  • Milk, cottage cheese, natural yoghurt, and other unsweetened dairy products.
  • Types of eggs, especially yolk.

On top of all its potential benefits, the best thing about Vitamin B6 is that it is present almost anywhere since it is featured in many common meals. They are also relatively inexpensive.

How Much Vitamin B6 To Take?

The suggested daily intake for vitamin B6 is 1.3 to 1.7 milligrams every day of our lives.

If your diet does not feature enough vitamin B6 to meet the daily requirement, there are also vitamin B6 supplements available.

Measure correctly when ingesting via supplement, excessive doses might cause side effects.


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