As you get older, the muscles and cells on the face also get older. People buy many cosmetic products to maintain the vitality of these cells and keep the facial muscles vital at all times. However, one that has become one of the best formulas of rejuvenation is face yoga. In a world where natural beauty methods are becoming more and more popular, face yoga is setting trends.
Facial yoga exercise that counteracts gravity is an effective way to reduce wrinkles in the facial area and tighten facial muscles. According to experts, it is possible to have younger skin with regular face yoga exercises.
It has movements that work out different muscle groups. By repeating certain movements regularly, you can have firmer skin than before. You can practice these anti-ageing exercises correctly in 20-minute periods, 6 days a week. Thanks to the types of exercises that can be easily done at home, you can have healthier facial muscles after 2 to 4 months.
In order to benefit from face yoga, you need to devote an average of 15 minutes a day to these movements. You can immediately witness beautiful changes on your face with facial yoga movements.
Face yoga, which improves the muscles and reduces wrinkles, is one of the best formulas of getting a healthy-looking face. The face yoga techniques defined as facial exercise aim to make the skin look more vital by working the muscles in the areas such as lips, neck, forehead and cheeks.
Lip and Cheeks
You can reduce wrinkles around the lips with the balloon fish movement. Make balloon inflation by closing your mouth and stay in this position for 20 seconds. You can repeat the movement in at least 2 sets. You can easily do this movement, which is very simple to do, in the car or at your desk. With this exercise, it is possible to reduce the lines around the lips.
Stretch your mouth by opening it wide towards your ears. Open your eyes and smile. Feel your face stretch well. You can apply this movement, which lifts the cheeks up and stretches the lip circumference, in 3 sets for 10 seconds.
Neck and Lower Cheek
Look at the ceiling. Once you feel the muscles in your neck area are stretched, bend your lips to get a kiss position. Try to keep your position for 20 seconds. With this movement, you can strengthen your lower cheek muscles by tightening your neck muscles.
Put your index fingers on your eyebrows and your thumbs around your mouth, press your fingers and stretch your face by pulling in two directions. You can repeat this exercise for 3 seconds and 10 sets. With this movement, you can tighten your eye area and cheek area.
When you do face yoga around the eyes, it strengthens the eyelids and prevents wrinkle formation. To do this, stretch your eyebrows upward with your palm and try to look down at this time.
Stretch your forehead by placing your hands on both sides of your forehead. After stretching your skin, raise your eyebrows and lower them. Lift and lower your eyebrows 20 times. This movement allows you to get rid of the forehead lines and have more tense skin by increasing the blood flow in the forehead area.