In this very article we would like to discuss about the dislodged hair graft.
Which first lets take a quick look at hair transplantation procedure . Because a successful hair transplantation will never fail . It’s a procedure that despite of its hardness , you can easily take care of it see the results you wish for .
What is a hair transplantation ?
DHI and FUE are two of the most used hair transplantation methods
Both methods the hair is taken from the donor area and transplanted to the reception area.which the donor area here will be from the back of the patient’s scalp and the reception area is where there is the absence of hair and this is the part that the follicles that were extracted from the back of the scalp will be implanted.
How long will it takes for grafts to grow?
It will take something around 8-12 months . After that period your grafts will grow following your transplant. At first you will see some of your hair shed in the first 2-3 months. After that shedding phase will be finished , Your roots will begin to grow your new hair.
Two weeks after the surgery the grafts must be secured in your scalp .Remember that the transplanted hair is still fresh and needs to be taken care of gently for ten days at least . Therefore you need to be gentle with them until they’re all set in.
How can the patient know the grafts are dislodged ?
Into the scalp the growth part of the follicles is 3-4mm .Moreover , The first 10 days grafts can dislodged .That’s why you ne to be careful not to scrub your scalp while you’re on this period .After this time the grafts will be permanent .Moreover , after the 2-3 weeks they can’t even be dislodged . Even despite of alots vigorous scrubbing .
Also losing a graft it will be so obvious . Because you will be having a trickle of blood coming out of hair incision . At the end , if you see a splotch of blood in means that there ‘s a dislodged . Although , blood indicated dislodged graft.
Although you will be witness of some itching after some weeks of the surgery . Which if they last like that you should definitely visit your doctor .
Can itching hurts the grafts ?
Actually depends on the size of the incision, regardless of how many hairs are in the graft. Smaller grafts means smaller incisions . Which in turn do not bleed as much if irritated or if a graft is lost.
The itching is part of the healing process. Itching on scalp after hair transplant is a normal thing which caused generally by crusting and also scab formation which happens after the surgery .It happens because the scalp is dry . Which at that point it’s ok to moisturize it which the special moisturizers
Can grafts fall out after a transplant ?
Any now and then grafts can fall out . Specially the first few days after hair transplant . But at the same time it’s something that happens rarely . Most of the time , the patient will mistaken the normal hair fall . Patients become concerned because when they look at the shed hair, they’ll often see a little bulb at the bottom of it. This happens because the hair has a small bulb at the bottom of it. But that bottom is not the follicle . It’s just the root sheath . That is why you don’t have to be concerned about it .
Why does transplanted hair not fall out over time ?
You can do the hair transplant because of a reason called “Donor Dominance”. Which means that the back of your scalp’s hair is permanent . Even if you move it , it’s there . The donor hair will grow even if you move it to a different part of your scalp . What is interesting is that , if you take the front scalp’s hair . and move it to the back of the scalp where you would think the hair would last forever, it would continue to lose hair.
After how long the healing will take place ?
As we already mentioned Healing can take somewhere between 6 to 12 months. But once the healing process is complete, the transplanted follicles begin to grow hair that will fill out the bald patches on your scalp. That is the reason why the first months after the transplantation is so important. Because the follicles are still fragile and sensitive in the first months and need a good care and attention.
What will happen after a year ?
After a year of hair transplantation things get so much easier , ofcourse it would be for the best if the patient still pay attention to the do’s and don’ts but after a year , since a great part of the hair appeares on the scalp, it will not be that strict as it was at the first.
How many years does hair transplant last ?
As mentioned several of times . It takes around six months before you can see significant changes . In hair growth. The complete results of the transplant will be visible after a year . In most cases, a hair transplant will last a lifetime . Because healthy hair follicles transplanted into thinning . Or bald areas . By taking a good care of them the good results will stay . Stay for for a life time indeed. Also it’s a sure thing that you must pay attention to your diet as well .Hair is made of protein , so Always try to have rich protein food in your diet . Also to avoide smoking and alcohol is always recommended. Because a healthy body means a healthy hair.Because healthy body means healthy hair. Take care of your health and hair!