What Is Dense Packing Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant offers the best solutions against hair loss. However, there are different methods of hair transplant. The doctors decide which method to use according to the patient’s needs. Dense packing hair transplant is one of these special hair transplant methods. Some people call this method high-density implant, which sounds more self-explanatory. 

Dense packing is a method that the doctors use for increasing the density of the patient’s hair. So the people who do not suffer from severe hair loss are more likely to go for this option. The patient receives this method with the FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant because it is not really possible to achieve the intended results with the other methods.

This method consumes more time than the usual FUE hair transplant operation. The reason is that doctors need to implant a lot of hair grafts in a very small area. This then gives a denser look to the patient’s hair at the end of the operation. If one session is not enough for the dense packing hair transplant, you can book multiple sessions. The best thing to do is to consult the doctors in our facility and ask them about the options we can offer you.

What Determines the Density of the Hair?

A healthy person who does not suffer from the hair loss issues will generally have around 100 to 120 hair grafts per one square centimetre. That makes roughly 200 to 250 hair follicles. If you visit our facilities, our experts can examine the density of your hair and offer you solutions to increase it. 

 There are a number of factors that determine the density of your hair. Some of these are the following:

  • Hair colour
  • Skin colour
  • Thickness of hair
  • Shape and style of hair

For instance, there are some hair colours that will make the hair loss more apparent. Even if you suffer from minor hair loss, these listed factors can make the density of your hair look lower than it actually is. Having curly hair will also cause you trouble because it will show your scalp in some areas. 

Am I Suitable for a Dense Packing Hair Transplant?

The doctors can apply this method to almost every patient. But there are some candidates who are more suitable for this type of hair transplant. People who suffer from minor hair loss are the best candidates for this procedure. This is because they are usually just looking to increase the density of their hair. Our doctors can definitely help with that.

However, if you are suffering from severe hair loss, you can also receive this operation. But you will probably need more than one session. This is because the dense packing hair transplant already takes more time than the regular hair transplant. And when you have a large area that needs to be transplanted, it will not be possible to complete the operation in one session. Although it can take more than one session for those who are troubled by severe hair loss, it is still possible as long as they have enough hair in the donor area.


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