What Patients Should Know about the Genetic Factors of Hair Loss

Hair has both physiological and psychological importance. It protects us against the sun’s ultraviolet rays, and it is a sign of vitality and youth. For this reason, it is normal for a person who experiences hair loss to seek medical help.

In order to understand why our hair is shedding, it is necessary to examine how it grows. There are 80,000 to 120,000 live hair follicles on a healthy person’s scalp. The composition of hair consists mainly of keratin. The growth rate of the hair is 0.3 mm per day and 1 cm per month. The maximum achievable length depends on the length of the anagen phase. Hair loss up to 100 hair strands per day is considered healthy.

Hair strands in the growth phase can be identified and counted by examining the roots. If the number of hairs in the telogen phase is over 20%, it is possible to say that hair loss is increased.

The most common hair loss is the alopecia type. About 70% of men and 40% of women are affected by this type of hair loss. If we examine texturally, we see that the cells in the hair follicles are getting smaller in size and the thickness of the hair reduces. The characteristic hair loss patterns in men are as follows: 

  • The front line becomes vague.
  • The crown area begins to open. 

In women, it is different. There is a thinning in the hair strands instead.

Androgenetic alopecia is defined as the genetic variance of the androgen receptor. It consists of DHT (dihydrotestosterone testosterone) where the critical factor is the enzyme 5a-reductase. Many genes are related to this event. Besides, the androgen receptor gene is located on the X chromosome. Therefore, male pattern baldness is a hereditary feature transmitted by the mother.

Can Genetic Hair Loss Be Prevented?

Early detection of hair loss is critical. If you experience hair loss more than 150 hair strands a day, you should consult a specialist. It is not currently possible to completely prevent hair loss by genetic reasons, but there are things that you can do to delay hair loss. Dermocosmetic products are suitable for slowing down genetic hair loss.

The use of products suitable for this hair type may delay hair loss as it strengthens the hair follicles. Another method may be oral medications. People should consult a specialist, as drug use also can have side effects. At the same time, the nutrition program should include necessary vitamins and proteins. Especially consuming lots of fruits and vegetables is also helpful in strengthening hair follicles.

Hair transplant is the ideal method for people who experience hair loss as a result of genetic factors. The new hair that you can obtain with this treatment is permanent for a lifetime; it does not shed. If you have decided to have a hair transplant procedure, you can contact us for a detailed analysis of your hair loss type. In Gold City Hair, you can find the latest methods with expert surgeons.


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