Which Is The Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Kolkata?

Achieving Long Hair After Hair Transplant

Which is the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata? Not all physicians may benefit from this method. To draw this, you’ll need a steady hand and a “Choi” pen. Choi Implanter, to put it as simply as possible, is built from individual hairs. Tissue grafts are harvested using the Choi pen and then implanted at the recipient site. Most hair transplants are done on an individual basis. Both treatments might be performed at the same time if desired by DHI Hair Transplant. Many folks will breathe a sigh of relief when this occurs. Whereas the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method requires two separate office visits, the DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) process may be accomplished in a single session thanks to the use of a special pen. Improving the efficiency and visual appeal of hair transplants is the main focus.

A local anesthetic is applied to the donor area to numb it, as well as the hair follicles. After located, the follicles are removed using the “Choi” pen. With an unique pen, we are implanting hair follicles into the scalp. This small, pointed pen is used for inserting hair follicles into sculptures. There is a chance that, if you tap the tip of this pen on your skull with enough force, you may permanently implant the pen’s designated component in your brain. This remarkable procedure is often used by surgeons since it poses no risk to adjacent healthy tissue.

Which Is The Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Kolkata Plan?

This method’s potential resides in its ability to quickly remove follicles from the donor area and re-implant them into the scalp. This strengthens the bond between the transplant and the permanent tooth. The practice of moving follicles from one place of the body to another is not novel, but it is gaining in favor. The transplant may be placed into the recipient without the patient having to wait the weeks or months that would ordinarily occur between surgeries. Due to the lack of a cannula hole, less severe bleeding is likely to occur. DHI has numerous positive effects, one of which is thicker, healthier hair.

Patients may not have to wait as long for their hair transplant if the specialized pen is used. Several people have reported a reduction in the rate at which their hair is falling out as a result of this. Pre-processing poses no risk to those with healthy hair. Patients often make a speedy recovery after this kind of surgery.
In most cases, a direct hair implant procedure is simple. A surgeon, for instance, has to know a lot about surgery and other related fields. An outsider’s assistance will make matters worse.

Which Is The Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Kolkata Method?

There will be deaths among the sufferers. If your expectations are very high, the final cost of hair transplant surgery may also come as a surprise. Yet, the potential rewards of DHI much exceed the risks. Follicular Unit Extraction is often compared to Direct Hair Implantation, which has its own set of advantages and disadvantages (or “FUE” for short). In both FUE and DHI, micromotors are used to remove hair follicles from the back of the head. Nonetheless, there are distinctions between the two that should not be overlooked. DHI Hair Transplant stands apart from other methods in several respects, including the fact that donor hair is not chopped off before hair implants are inserted. In contrast to conventional transplant methods, the FUE process for hair restoration does not need a pre-shave.

In contrast to hair follicle removal, hair transplant insertion does not leave the recipient area looking shaved.
The DHI technique, hair follicles are removed from the donor area and implanted into the recipient area. This is why hair follicles tend to remain dormant inside the scalp. According to this reading, they are safe from danger. The importance of that factor cannot be overstated.

Which Is The Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Kolkata Result?

The success of a DHI Hair Implant procedure is contingent on a number of things. There are a variety of variables that will determine the procedure’s outcome. A credit to the initiative and competence of the DHI project’s attending physician. The new building’s dimensions. Patients who want the best care possible should seek out doctors who have both a strong academic background and significant clinical experience. The recipient area may be examined by the hair transplant surgeon to ensure that the implant was successfully positioned.

Patients, therefore, must have access to these facilities. It is crucial that you determine if DHI treatment is right for you. What needs to be done to put this strategy into action is described in depth down below.
For those experiencing typical hair loss, DHI may be an option. There are a lot of people out there who have to deal with hair thinning. There is a possibility that additional hair transplants will be required as part of the treatment, though this is not always the case. Individuals who have been biologically male for at least five years and are experiencing hair loss are encouraged to give the DHI therapy a try on their own. DHI Hair Implants work best for those whose hair has gradually thinned over time. You should give this treatment option serious consideration even if your hair loss is slight.


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