Why Some Men Cannot Grow Beards

Having a strong and dense beard is usually an indicator of masculinity and sometimes even wisdom. A beard makes a man look rugged and strong. Since the earliest known history, the beard has always been an important part of a man’s appearance. 

Unfortunately, some men are unable to grow their beard. This problem can be due to various reasons—including burns, medication side effects, and hormonal issues. But the most common cause is genetics. 

Although most people think that the inability to grow a beard is due to low testosterone levels, that is not the case. The scientists have proven that testosterone can encourage hair growth. But if you are genetically unable to grow a beard, testosterone will not be enough on its own, even if you have excessive amounts of it.

Alopecia areata can also cause you to lose your beard. But this will not cause facial hair loss on all parts of your beard. It will only target some random areas, and the hair loss will look patchy. If you have a beard, but you are troubled by this condition, it is going to look even more uncomfortable than having no beard at all.

Solutions for Growing a Beard

There are many people who wish to grow a strong and manly beard, but they cannot. And it is very common to hear tons of different methods for growing a beard. This can range from using medications to taking hormone shots. However, none of these methods is going to give you a visible change.

The medications can have unpleasant side effects. Also, the hormone shots have little or no effect as well. The hair growth does not depend only on the testosterone levels. It can only encourage it to an extent.

Some people even try to shave their beards in different ways, thinking that it will encourage beard growth. This is just another misconception. Shaving does not make your beard grow stronger. Actually, it just makes the tips of the hair shafts duller which gives a thicker look. But in the end, it is just the same beard without any improvement.

So we can say that all these methods are almost completely useless. Some of them can cause a slight increase in beard growth. But even this slight change is going to take a lot of time to manifest itself. And there is no guarantee that it will work.

Beard Transplant

There is one method that can permanently solve your issues with growing a beard. It is what we call a beard transplant. A beard transplant works the same way as a hair transplant. But instead of transplanting the hair from the donor area into the scalp, the doctors transplant the hair into your face. 

The results of the beard transplant are permanent, and the success rate is extremely high. Moreover, it does not involve any nasty side effects like those medications or hormones do. The beard transplant operation is completely pain-free. And the recovery time after the operation is very quick.

By getting in touch with us, you can get more information about both your situation and the available procedures. At Gold City Hair, we provide you with the contemporary methods and the best doctors.


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