There are some elements to be considered and avoided before and after the hair transplant procedure. The patients may need to review their eating and drinking habits and some of their daily routines to obtain perfect results. For example, a person may need to limit alcohol and cigarette consumption during this period. Otherwise, it may slow down or completely prevent the desired result in hair transplant. You can see the effects of alcohol on hair transplant results.
Alcohol and Hair Transplants
As in similar cosmetic operations, general anaesthesia is not applied to the person in hair transplantation operations. Instead, doctors apply local anaesthesia or sedation during the procedures. Therefore, alcohol and smoking may lead to different complications during the process. Just for a healthy operation, you should stop drinking alcohol one week before the procedure.
All the nutrition that we take into our body after the operation contributes to the growth of the hair. Unfortunately, the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes negatively affect hair growth.
Because alcohol consumption may lead to undesirable effects during and after the operation due to its blood-thinning effect, you should just stop drinking alcohol for at least one month, including the operation period of course.
Complete hair growth can take anywhere from 2.5 to 4 months. For this process to progress successfully, patients should not consume alcohol from the day of the surgery until the recovery process is completed. There are more considerations you should pay attention to before and after the process for a healthier healing period.
Successful Hair Transplant Results
The vitamins we take and diet we eat affect the course of our hair growth. Therefore, we should be careful while eating or drinking certain products. You can see some suggestions below for healthy hair before and after the procedure.
- You should stop drinking alcohol at least one week prior to the operation.
- Blood thinners, such as aspirin, can be harmful to your health. Therefore, you should stop taking them one week before the operation.
- You should not apply chemical products such as lotion, gel, conditioner to the hair unless prescribed by your doctor after the procedure.
- If there are any conditions such as blood pressure, sugar levels, heart performance, ulcers, etc., you must inform your doctor.
- Drinks that include caffeine may have negative effects. Therefore, you should stop drinking these for at least three days.
- There is no harm in eating before the operation.
Hair transplant operation is an essential investment for many people. Therefore, the healthy growth of your hair is as significant as the procedure for the desired results. You should follow the suggestions and instructions of your hair doctor carefully for a healthy postoperative period.