Will hair grow again in the donor area? Procedure usually causes the hair on the nape of the durable structure is used as a donor. All of the hair taken from this area will come back, this region will remain sparse. But dilutions in the neck area at the back of the head do not attract attention. Besides, in operations conducted inexperienced, hair follicles in the nape were selected very carefully. In other words, the absence of hair follicles in the neck, which are removed proportionately, is not noticeable from the outside. Hair transplantation, depending on the gap size of the scalp to be transported to a different number of hair roots. Regional hair loss usually is sufficient 3000 received the hair follicle at a time. In all the hair and scalp hair in both the chest and back of the hair follicles in the nape available.
What is the Donor Area?
The term donor a word use in medicine and we are all familiar with it. As it is known “donor” carries the meaning of the term, we often encounter in their hair. When it comes to hair transplantation, the most common donor area; means donor zone. The collection of grafts will be planted, the roots of the hair used to be transferred in terms of hosting space. Also known as the donor area of the donor, though mostly in plantation nape of the different regions of the body can be the donor. Donor correctly detecting the region is an important detail that needs expertise and experience.
The Importance of the Donor Area in Hair Transplantation
The donor site is one of the most important factors in hair transplantation procedure. The density of the donor area is a great advantage as the efficiency of the transplantation process is directly proportional to the fact that the balding area can be completely camouflaged. The hair follicle to be busy in terms of the region, the donor area without disturbing the aesthetics of the structure allows being transferred to the planting area of several hair strands.
Donor Sites in FUE and FUT Techniques
The FUT technique previously use by doctors, visibly in the form of a horizontal line extending between the ears of donors was used to leave a linear scar. When it comes to not scar the FUE technique. Hair follicles remove individually without a trace in the individual scalp with a micro micrometre head.
Weak Donor Areas
Sometimes not available in sufficient quantities in some donor stem region. Suffering from low hair density, hair or hair roots can be only one can be very soft and very thin. He wanted to enter the patient’s second hair transplant procedures, and in other cases, there are no other radicals will offer the donor site, to accept the fact that patients in this situation and must accept the reality, because if they continue and that another hair transplantation procedures if they continue the adventure can kick it back; some areas may cover at the expense of other areas. Before the operation of the donor region to consult a doctor to find out whether the experts have always preferred a good density.
Shaving the Donor Area Before Hair Transplantation
To shave the hair of the patient is one of the requirements before the plantation process, but only to shave the area into which the roots remained in the patient can decide. However, many patients, doctors prefer to receive as did all the hair, so you can remove the roots a better way.
Hair Roots Used in Large Area Hair Transplantation
Hair transplantation usually perform with the FUE technique for people with all scalp hair loss. Because, thanks to this technique, it is possible to transplant 3000-4500 hair follicles. However, for people who do not have any hair on their head, it becomes important whether chest and back hair are sufficient. After hair transplantation using all hairs in these areas, there will be no hair growth in the same areas.
Hair Roots Used in Regional Hair Transplantation
Hair loss in the crown and forehead areas; Both the FUE technique and the FUT technique can use. Because in regional hair transplantation, 2000-3000 hair follicles will be sufficient. These hair follicles taken from the neck area will be durable for many years. Again, the hair does not grow from these follicles used in hair transplantation. However, the absence of hair follicles carefully select from the doctor will no notice.
What Happens to the Donor Area After Hair Transplantation?
There is an amount of scar in almost every surgical procedure. FUE surgery concern, the roots remove one by one because the scar is incredibly small, it does not exceed 1 millimetre. Besides, after the area has healed, the scar will probably be incredibly hard to notice. To be naturally secreted by the hair on the back of your head will appear as small white spots.
Does Donor Area Hair Grow Again?
Follicle Unit Excision or FUE transplants hair follicles from the back of your head from the donor area with a surgical cherry. When you have FUE transplantation, the new hair on your head usually starts to grow again in about 3 months.
Technically, the hair follicles completely remove, so individual hair will not grow again. But cherry-picking technique in hair follicles located purchases, your doctor will make it impossible to realize in time for one of the busiest areas of the hair follicles of the donor; not hair patches.
Follicular Unit Transplant or FUT, FUE instead of cherry-picking approach involves the surgical removal of a donor area. FUT provides stitches to cover the donor area.
Donor Areas in Hair Transplantation
Will hair grow again in the donor area ? Hair transplantation when the donor site of the first that comes to mind are the areas. However, in these two regions, a sufficient number of hair follicles to make efficient cultivation or chest, back, arms, legs, upper. Lower jaw region may also be the donor site.
Nape Area:
There is no loss of hair in this area. Efficient to make space for the donor area overlaps the structure of the hair as a genetic construct. Very progressive loss unaffected even in the case and still have hair on the neck region. Observed that the transplanted stem new place to produce new hair that is also not suffering loss in their new location.
Chest and back area: second donor prefer after the nape area. This region is present in the structure of hair roots in thickness but may be different disadvantages.